|| Chapter 18 ||

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*Dans POV*

"Hurry up Smiles! How long does it take to get on a fucking bikini?!" I called to (Y/N) from the outside of the bathrooms.

The door then opened in a swift motion, revealing her in a black bikini that clung deliciously to her body. I slowly looked her up and down, licking my lips in delight at her appearance.

"Do you like it?" She blushed.

She's so timid sometimes- but in a cute way.

"Of course darling" I smirked.

"Where's Phil?" She asked, ignoring my tease.

"Him, Adrian, and my parents already started their way to the lake so they could set up the boat." I explained.

"We should probably start heading there then" she smiled.

"Oh and! Can I have a piggy back ride Danny?" She giggled, a mischievous look on her face.

"Anything for you" I winked, bending down so she could hop on.

She quickly hopped on and I began to walk down the trails, eventually making it to the lake. (Y/N) quickly hopped of my shoulders and turned to me, her eyes wide with excitement.

"It's so pretty dan" she gushed, turning back to stare at the lake.

"Not as pretty as you" I mumbled, almost inaudibly.

She quickly grabbed onto my hand and started running towards the lakes dock, this being where my fathers boat was located.

"There you two are" my mom chuckled as I helped (Y/N) onto the boat.

"Yeah me and Phil were beginning to think you guys ditched us to go fuck somewhere" Adrain grinned.

"Mind your language young man" my mother snapped, landing a smack on Adrian's head.

"Ow" Adrain mumbled, rubbing the spot on his head.

(Y/N) let out a silent giggle, us four taking a seat in the white seats towards the back of the boat; my dad and mum sitting towards the front so my dad could steer.

"Everyone ready?"My father called, starting the engine of the boat.

"Yup!" We all screamed from the back.

(Y/N) was sat next to me on my right, phil on my left, an Adrian on his left.

"I'm excited" (Y/N) whispered into my ear.

"In glad but you really need to hold onto me, the boat is gonna jerk when he takes off" I whispered back.

She nodded and quickly wrapped her arms around my bare torso, the boat jerking as my dad floored it; us taking off towards the center of the lake.

(Y/N) then let go of me, sitting up straight; a huge smile stretched across her face.

She was so beautiful.

I quickly pulled out my phone, snapping a picture of her. Her hair was blowing as the wind whipped at us, a smile stretched across her face as she watched the water we sailed over, and her hands holding onto the edge of the boat as she leaned over.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now