|| Chapter 12 ||

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*Your POV*

It was my second day back in London. While I was gone I had lily stay at my house and watch my plants, knowingly when I got home it was a complete and totalmess. Lily and I had agreed to talk about Julia later today since I had to spend my first day back cleaning up after her.

Don't get me wrong I love Lily but she was one of the messiest people I know. Not the kinda messy where you wear dirty clothes and always smell weird, but the kind where you don't pick up the food you constantly eat.

I was very envious of her in that aspect, she could eat as bad as she wanted to and wouldn't gain anything. She was very tall and skinny, her hair was a chocolate brown, and she had bright green eyes. If she wanted she could be a model.

I mostly admired her for her personality. She is so caring, thoughtful, funny, and was not judgmental towards anyone whatsoever. When she walked into the room it was almost impossible to be in a bad mood.

When we drive places together we scream the lyrics to songs at the top of our longs even though neither of us have amazing voices and she would buy me presents on days when I was feeling sad. She is truly an amazing friend is what I'm trying to get at, but like I said her only flaw was her messiness; which was easy to look past.

I stepped out of the warm shower and turned off the water. I walked over to the mirror and wiped the fog off with my hand so I could see. I took a quick glance at myself and walked into my room, dropping my towel.

I had picked out my bra and underwear, but couldn't choose between two outfits. I eventually decided to just ask lily, who was currently sitting in my living room trying to catch up on American horror story.

Or so I thought.

I didn't bother to put anything over my bra and panties seeing as we've seen each other naked on multiple occasions. Best friend goals I know right.

I began to walk down the hallway with the two outfits in my hands.

"Lily which outf--" I stopped right in my tracks as Lily turned to look at me, followed by dan.

They both stared at me with wide eyes, as I stood there half naked. I was too shocked to even think about covering myself as mine and dans eyes locked and cheeks heated up.

"I-- uh--um.." I managed to choke out before lily realized I was desperate for help and grabbed me by the arm, practically dragging me back to my room.

"Oh my god" Lily exclaimed, breaking down into laughter.

"It's not funny, dan just saw me naked you nugget" I complained, completely embarrassed.

"Hey it could've of been worse" she spoke.

"How could it have been any worse?"

"You could've been wearing hello kitty underwear instead of those completely adorable black ones." She shrugged.

"Whatever, just tell me what outfit I should wear." I sighed.

"Wear the black joggers with the white crop top. It's cute but it has a 'I don't give a fuck' vibe to it" she explained.

"What would I ever do without you?" I smiled sarcastically.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя