|| Chapter 32 ||

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*Your POV*

It's been a month since Kikis funeral. Thanksgiving came and my brother moved to London to stay with me. If you were wondering he ended up selling the dog he had gotten me, it was too much for the both of us right now.

Dan and I have been great, our relationship has grown stronger if anything. We actually went on our fourth date the other day.

It was Christmas Eve and Lily, Phil, and Dan were all coming over so we could be together on Christmas morning. I hoped that this would cheer my brother up, seeing as he's been doing absolutely horrible ever since Kikis death.

Yesterday I found empty bottles of alcohol in his room and sleeping pills. I'm gonna talk to him about a therapist soon, but I don't wanna get into it till Christmas is over.

Dan and I had made a video a week ago coming out about our relationship on his channel. Of course I got tons of hate, but it didn't affect me because I've been getting it ever since they knew I existed.

Phil and Lily also made a video about their relationship, but Lily didn't seem to get as much hate. I think Phil's viewers see him as their child more than having an attraction towards him. Sometimes I feel bad for Phil seeing as there's way more Dan girls, but he seems to manage well.

"Hey Nicky could you get the door?" I said from the kitchen. I was currently cleaning for the video all of us were gonna do, my kitchen was a mess.

"Mhm" he nodded, jumping up from the couch and running to the door.

"Hey Nick" Lily giggled, stepping in and pulling off her black coat.

"Hi Lily." He chuckled back.

They've gotten to be good friends over this past month. I'm very grateful, because I'm not always around for him.

"Hey L!" I greeted from the kitchen.

She soon after appeared into the kitchen, a grin planted on her face.

"What is it?" I laughed, throwing her a Clorox wipe so she could help wipe down the counters with me.

"Me and Phil planned a wedding date." She said, wiping down the bar first.

"Oh my gosh when?" I beamed.

"July 17th, this summer." She squealed.

"That's great, I'm so excited." I smiled, pulling out supplies for the video.

"Uh (Y/N)?" She said shyly.

"Mhm?" I grinned.

"Would you--uh-- maybe be my maid of honor?" She asked, throwing the wipe in the garbage.

My eyes lit up and I turned to her with shock.

"A-are you sure?" I said.

She nodded and I engulfed her in a hug.

"Of course I would Lily, you're my best friend." I chuckled.

"You're kinda choking me." She weakly said.

"Oops sorry." I released her, us both giggling.


"And that concludes the first ever Christmas baking video." Dan said to the camera.

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