|| Chapter 10 ||

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Okay so usually I don't like to do authors notes at the top but I need to say that there is a TRIGGER WARNING in this chapter. I will remind you when it's coming up and when it's over so you can still read if you are easily triggered. That's all have fun reading.

*Your POV*

I woke up to the feeling of something touching my hair. I turned my body to see a well-awake Dan staring right into my eyes, his cheeks heating up.

"Were you playing with my hair?" I whisper giggled

"I'm sorry" he whispered back.

"It's ok" i smiled.

"Well anyways, what time is it?" I yawn, pulling the blanket further up my body as the cold air nips at my skin.

"I dunno maybe like five am-ish" he responded

"What?!? Why are you awake then?!?" I whisper yell.

"Couldn't sleep" he shrugs.

"Ok well we should probably get more sleep before we go to see my mom" I chuckle.

"Sounds good" he laughs, as I turn over to face the opposite way of him.



"W-would you mind if I- uh- maybe wrapped my arm around you?- I MEAN YOU DONT HAVE TO I WAS JUST ASKING BECAUSE YOU KNOW- ITS COLD AND-" Dan begins as I cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up and wrap your damn arms around me you dork" I giggle.

"Ok" he simply replies wrapping his one arm around me as my back touches his bare chest, us molding together like a puzzle piece of some sort.

I close my eyes and once again drift asleep, this time with dans body heat radiating onto me as we comfortably lay together.


When me and Dan woke up around ten am we both got ready quickly and got onto the road by ten-thirty to get to the hospital.

Me and Dan were both wearing skinny jeans and jumpers, this because of the cold, rainy weather Michigan was currently having.

As we were walking into the hospital from the back of the ginormous parking lot, it began to pour down rain.

"Just our fucking luck" I cursed, loud enough for Dan to hear over the sound of rain.

"Wrap your arms and legs around me, Im gonna carry you" Dan demanded.

not wanting to stay in the rain any longer I didn't protest and did as Dan said, jumping onto him; wrapping my legs around his torso and arms around his neck.

Dan ran through the rain, faster than I've ever seen him run as we got soaking wet. Me of course slightly finding the situation funny so I was giggling the whole time I was in his arms.

Once we reached the lobby of the hospital, Dan set me down and I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out; this earning a dirty look from him.

"I'm so glad you find being sopping wet funny" he exclaimed.

I just giggled more at his frustrated response to my act of childishness.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now