|| Chapter 30 ||

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*Your POV*

It was almost time for Dan to pick me up for our date. I impatiently sat at the kitchen table in my little red dress, tapping my heel covered foot at a rapid rate. My makeup and hair was done really nice, meaning I was satisfied with my appearance.

As soon as a knock was placed on my door, I bolted up and ran to my front door. As I pulled it open my excitement shot up by a million, this because I saw dan standing there in a suit. He did say we were going somewhere fancy.

Dans eyes widened as he examined my body, them locking with my own slightly after.

"You look incredible." Dan complimented, causing me to blush.

"Thank you, I could say the same about you." I gestured to his appearance. He rolled his eyes and I welcomed him inside.

"Lemme just grab a coat really quick." I spoke, running off into my room.

I returned with a black leather jacket and we both locked hands, walking out into the cold city of London.


"This food is amazing." I gushed, taking a bite of the bread that they always leave on the table.

"At least you're enjoying the food." Dan chuckled.

"What, you don't like yours?" I asked.

"Not really, the steak is a little undercooked. I'm okay though, I'm enjoying watching you." He winked.

"Your blush is adorable smiles."

I chuckled nervously as me and Dan stared into eachothers eyes, before I broke away.

"You're so timid baby." Dan pointed out. My stomach did a flip and heated up as he called me 'baby'.

"Only around you." I smiled innocently.

"And why is that?" He smirked.

"Well I wouldn't want to do anything that would upset you." I playfully grinned.

At this point me and Dan were both just flirting with eachother, and anyone who heard us could tell.

"We wouldn't want that." He spoke, taking a piece of bread in his hands and biting into it.

I chuckled at our foolishness and dug my fork into my ranch covered salad. I caught Dan watching me intently, as if he was studying my every move.

"You're gorgeous." He blurted.

I looked up at him and blushed, then quickly looking back down into my lap and smiling.

"I wouldn't say that." I silently spoke, Dan still hearing my words.

"And why is that?" He questioned.

"Because gorgeous just isn't a word that I'd use to describe myself." I admitted.

"How would you describe yourself then?" He asked. He took another bite of his bread, his attention focused on me.

"Lucky." I said.

"Lucky to have you in my life."

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now