|| Chapter 27 ||

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*Lilys POV*


Actually fuck.

How the actual fuck am I gonna tell (Y/N)

I need to stop swearing, maybe I should go to church and be a good Christian girl. Haha yeah that would be hilarious.

I bet you're all confused, so let me just start from the beginning.

(Y/N) was coming home from America today and me and Phil were finally deciding to tell her and Dan about our relationship.

Right now I was in the coffee shop covering (Y/N)'s shift; which seems to be something I've had to do a lot lately. I mean don't get me wrong I love her and would do anything for her, but it's hard on me.

When I was a little girl I used to starve myself and was diagnosed with anorexia. I was put in a hospital and they helped me get better, but I still have to see a doctor every week. The doctor checks to make sure I'm a healthy weight and they plan my diet. It doesn't help that I have stress and anxiety to go along with it.

(Y/N) knows I get stressed out a lot, but I could never tell her all of it. I constantly feel like a ticking time bomb that will explode at any moment, but I would never want anyone else to see me that way. So I choose not to tell them.

I've never told anyone my real name is Lilith either, it's just something I don't care for. Everyone sees me as the pretty girl with the skinny body and gorgeous eyes, besides Phil. And to be honest I'm completely fine with it.

I'm having major anxiety today and I just really wanna go home and sleep. Dealing with bitchy 13 year olds isn't my ideal way to spend my time, but I need money so I do.

As I was writing the name 'heather' on a cup, the bell on the door rang. Great more customers to yell at me because I put one less shot of Carmel in then they asked for. Like how the fuck can they even tell.

When I was a kid, and wasn't busy starving myself, I would play Pokémon cards or actually go outside. Like what the fuck is this generation, I don't understand what went wrong.

I handed the cup to another worker and walked over to the register.

"Hi welcome to Starbucks, is there anything I could get you?" I asked in the fakest tone you'll ever hear. What can I say, I'm good at lying.

"Yeah, I'll have a cotton candy frap and a chocolate mocha for a beautiful girl named Lily and her amazing boyfriend Phil." The man asked.

My head shot up, a genuine smile planted on my face. As cliché as this situation with us is, I don't care.

"Thank god you're here, I actually might have considered killing myself." I exaggerated.

"I'm clocking out!" I yelled, taking off my green apron and making mine and Phil's drinks.

"How much would that be ms. Valance?" Phil joked.

"It's on the house, but only for boys with pretty blue eyes." I grinned.

I handed him the drink and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He held out his hand for mine and we walked out of the shop together.

I took a sip of my frap and turned to look at him, only to find him grinning at me.

"What is it? is there something on my face?" I panicked.

"Your nose" he joked.

"No duh, but seriously. What is it?" I chucked.

"You're just really adorable." He smiled.

"Are you trying to get me to have sex with you Philip Michael Lester?" I teased.

"Surprisingly not right now, but I mean if you want to." He winked.

"You're weird, where are we going?" I giggled.

"Back to my flat, I have a surprise for you." He smiled.

"How lovely" I smiled, rolling my eyes. He probably just wants to have sex again.


"Okay close your eyes" he ordered, grabbing his keys and unlocking the door.

I closed my eyes and Phil carefully led me to somewhere in the flat.

"Stay right here and don't open your eyes." Phil said, running somewhere in the flat. He returned quickly after, my nerves high for what it could be.

"Open them" I opened my eyes to see Phil down on one knee. In his hands Laid a velvet box with a diamond ring gently placed inside.

My jaw hung open and my hands covered it, my eyes full of shock as tears of joy streamed down them.

"Lily Valance would you do me the honor of becoming Lily Lester?" He smiled.

I nodded my head yes, him standing up. He grabbed my right hand and gently slipped the ring on my ring finger.

"This must have cost a fortune." I gushed.

"You're worth a fortune." He grinned, making the heat rise to my cheeks.

"You're so fucking cheesy, but I love you" I giggled, him placing his lips on mine.

Once we disconnected the worry of (Y/N) and Dan came back to mind. The truth is me and Phil have been together long before those two even met. When I pointed Dan and Phil out in the coffee shop, it was mine and Phil's way of trying to get the two hopeless romantics together.

Now the problem is we never even told them of our relationship and now we were gonna have to invite them to our wedding. The reason we didn't tell them is because originally our relationship was casual sex and nothing else, but eventually we began to grow feelings for each other.

When Dan and (Y/N) went to America, Phil had taken me to a diner in Brighton. It was the first time we were actually gonna do something together besides sex.

That night as he dropped me off at home he told me he didn't just want sex anymore and that he loved me. Of course I had told him I loved him back because I had felt that way for a long time, but I didn't wanna ruin what we had and never see him again.

These past few months me and Phil have been dating and along the way helping each other with our insecurities. I've helped him with drinking and with his self doubt, while he helped me with eating and making sure I knew I was beautiful the way I was. He's everything I've dreamed of and more, and now we're getting married.

Phil Lester was mine and I was his. Now the only problem is telling his fans and our two best friends.

Okay I know this is a lot to take in, but it has a reason. But you get to finally know the side that nobody sees of Lily.

Have a beautiful day my little crayons<3


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