A/N important updates

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Ok so there's a couple things I'd like to let you know. I'd appreciate if you'd read :)

So the first thing is about the next chapter. If you read chapter 24 you may know dan and (y/n) they love each other but it starts on Halloween day. The next chapter will be dans Pov and will start from the same place the last chapter did, NOT when they say I love you. This is my way of showing you both of their emotions during this period of time.

Second thing is about Julia, I have gotten some dms confused about what's happening with her, so I wanna clear this up. You the readers do not know exactly what happened with Julia yet.  The characters keep referencing to her and something that has happened with her, but this thing will be later revealed as it is a big part of the story line.

Third thing is about the ending of the book. I'm not exactly sure when the book will end, but right now my guess is somewhere from chapter 35-40.

Last thing is I will be writing another dan x reader after this book so look forward to that. It will be sad to see this book go, but I'm really excited about this next book. More info about it we be released soon, but definitely not today so enjoy this book while it's here.

Thank you for reading that I hope to actually update chapter 25 today, but no promises.

Once again have a beautiful day my little crayons <3


White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang