|| Chapter 6 ||

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*your POV*

It's been around a week since the day of the fair. Dan and I have texted a little bit, but besides that there was no communication between us.

The only social activities I've participated in was hanging out with lily and work, but I consider work physical torture that Im basically forced to do so I can survive, so I guess that doesn't really count does it?

I groaned as I woke up to the sun gleaming through my black bedroom curtains, disturbing my peaceful sleep.

Instead of burrowing back into my covers to hide away from the social life I didn't have, I adjusted my eyes to the light And grabbed my phone of my bedside table. Then Sitting up and clicking on the phone to check the time.


"Shit" I mumbled.

I quickly whipped the covers off myself and ran to the bathroom, realizing my show was gonna be on at one so I needed to get ready fast.

As I was about to open the bathroom door, I slammed my foot into it instead. Today was honestly not my day

"FUCK!" I screamed in annoyance, but quickly brushed it off, grabbing a towel and washcloth out of the cupboard and hopping in the shower.


Once I was out of the shower I ran into my room, with my towel wrapped around my body, quickly throwing on my black skinny jeans, favorite band t-shirt, combing through my hair, and putting my phone in my back pocket.

I then quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed a tub of my favorite ice cream and a big spoon, then plopping down on my living room couch.

As I clicked on the tv with my remote I had realized I missed my show. Today really was not my day.

Instead of watching Tv I decided to go on my laptop, which was conveniently placed on my coffee table in front of me.

Once it was powered on, I logged into my Twitter Account and decided to just scroll through my feed. As I was lazily scrolling I come across a Twitter Account with the username danisnotonfire.

I click on the account and soon realized it's dans. He has around 3.3 million followers and a blue check by his name.

"Jesus Christ" I mumbled to myself, shocked by the high number.

I also realize there's a link to a YouTube channel in his bio. I click it and I smile at the realization of what I've discovered.

I think Back to the day when I first met Dan and Phil in the coffee shop, and I had thought recognized them from a video on YouTube. Guess I was right.

I then click on his most recent video and began to watch, finding Phil's and the gaming channel shortly after.


After about an hour of watching their videos and eating a tub of ice cream, I'm snapped back into the real world by my phone buzzing from beneath me.

I pick it up to find a text from Dan.

[Dan 🌚]
Come outside now

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