|| Chapter 31 ||

148 10 17

*Your POV*

"We are gathered here today to honor and pay tribute to the life of Kiki Thompson..."





Damn that stupid clock, I can't concentrate.

I looked to my right to see my brother in tears. Next to him is Kiki's parents, her mother crying. her dad holds back tears to try to be strong for her. To my left sits Dan, his hand squeezing mine as he pays close attention to the service. Next to him Lily and Phil, holding hands. Behind us is a bunch of her family members, faces I've never seen before.

I look to the front of the room.





There lies Kiki, her lifeless body that is.

Oh how beautiful she looks in that dress, her makeup covering up the paleness of her skin.

I now look towards the pastor, pretending as if I'm paying attention to his prayer. My thoughts won't let that happen.

"Are you okay, you're sweating." Dan leans over and whispers into my ear.

I take my free hand and swipe it over my forehead. Dans right, I am sweating. Probably because that damn clock is making me so nervous. But why?

I nod to Dan and look back over to my brother, ours eyes locking. It seems he was staring at me too.

I give him a reassuring smile, gripping his sweaty hands in mine.


The bright sunlight strikes everyone by surprise as we walk out of the funeral home. The sound of the women's heels clicking against the pavement, reminding me of the clock.




I look behind me to see the funeral home that I've been at one too many times, oblivious to the fact that Dan is trying to get my attention.

"(Y/N)" Dan calls once again.

"Hm?" I say, snapping out of my trance.

"You were zoning out again." Dan sighed.

"Sorry." I apologize.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm just worried. That's all." He smiles, grabbing the sides of my face and planting a kiss on my head.

"Phil are you ready?" Dans speaks, snapping Phil and Lily out of their makeout session.

Ever since Lily and Phil told us about their relationship, they take every chance they get to show us how happy they are together.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now