|| Chapter 4 ||

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*your POV*

  After Dan and I's awkward introduction, he decided to give me a tour of the flat. It was very colorful and had TONS of nerdy stuff, but I was used to that seeing as my flat was the same.

"And this is my room." Dan said opening a door to the blandest room in the entire flat.

"Wow, I can tell you really love color" I sarcastically state, emphasizing the word 'really'.

"If by color you mean black then yes"  Dan laughs.

I finished looking around the room when my stomach growled. I felt embarrassed by the odd noise coming from me, but Dan just seemed worried.

"Are you hungry?" Dan asked.

"A little, but I should be fine" I state, trying not to cause him any trouble.

"Well me and Phil forgot to go grocery shopping so we can order some food, but for now there's some candy in the kitchen. It's all yours if you want it." Dan offered.

My eyes widened with excitement, I LOVE candy. Every time I eat candy it reminds me of my childhood with my dad before he passed. Every time he got off work he would pick me up from school and we would go to the candy store. He'd let me pick out whatever I wanted, and we would eat it at the park right around the block. It's just a good feeling to be reminded of him.

I gave Dan a questioning look after to see if he was sure. He nodded and that's when I quickly darted to the kitchen, not thinking about the glass door he had told me about earlier.

Last thing I remember was running into the door and falling onto the ground. Then everything went black.

*time skip to when you wake up*

I woke up in a bed, located in a dark room.

"Shit" I mumbled, rubbing my head.

I slowly got up off the bed I was on, stumbling over to the light switch. Once it was on I had realized I was in dans bedroom.

I opened his bedroom door and made my way into the living room. Dan was on the couch, scrolling through tumblr on his laptop before he turned his head, realizing I was there.

He quickly got up, shutting his laptop, and made his way over to me. He must have realized I was having trouble walking since my vision was still adjusting to the new lighting because he helped me stand.

"D-Dan you d-don't have to" I stuttered, melting at the feeling of his touch.

"It's fine, do you feel alright? you hit your head pretty hard." Dan asked, sitting me down on the couch.

"My head hurts a little" I stated, rubbing it again.

Just then Phil walked into the room, noticing me sitting on the couch.

"You're finally awake, we were worried we'd have to take you to the hospital." Phil stated, smiling brightly at me.

"Phil, can you get (Y/N) a glass of water and a tablet to help her headache?" Dan asked Phil.

"Yep, I'll be right back" Phil replied, heading to the bathroom.

"What time is it?" I asked Dan.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry to keep you guys up this late. I'll head home now." I stated.

I went to get up from the couch to leave, but Dan pulled my arm to where I couldn't. I gave him a look of confusion and he smiled.

"It's completely fine, it's not like we'd be asleep anyways. It's far too late for you to be driving in your condition. Just stay for the night, you can sleep on the couch." Dan stated.

"Dan it's only a headache. I don't wanna cause you and Phil anymore trouble, plus I don't have any pajamas" I sighed, running a hand through my now messy hair.

"Like I said before, you aren't causing us any trouble, I'll give you one of my shirts to wear to bed and you can return it in the morning." Dan smiled.

"Alright" I give in.

"Yay, sleepover! We can watch spirited away and eat Chinese." Dan shouted, showing his excitement.

"Oh my god, you really are a child." I joked.

"I prefer the term young adult"  he scoffed, before cracking a smile.

Just then Phil walked into the room with a glass of water and two tablets in his hands.

"Here you go m'lady" Phil jokes, handing me the water and tablets.

"Why thank you kind sir" I play along.

"I couldn't help but over hear your guys conversation, I'll go order the Chinese now" Phil smiled running to his bedroom.

"He really likes Chinese" Dan chuckled.

"I could tell"

I quickly placed the tablets into my mouth and swallowed the water.

"You can set the glass in the sink, I'll go get you one of my shirts." Dan says getting up.

"Oh and don't forget about the glass door this time" he states, earning a smile from me.

I quickly head into the kitchen and set my glass in the sink. I then turn around to find Dan standing behind me, holding a black t-shirt in his hands.

"FUCK!" I scream, surprised by his presence.

Dan leans down holding his hands on his knees while he chokes on laughter.

"I'm--so--sorry" he states between laughs.

"Yeah I could totally tell" I roll my eyes.

I then grab the shirt from his hands and scurry to the bathroom to change.

*time skip to when you're changed*

I walk out of the bathroom in dans shirt. It smells of dans cologne, and has a very soft texture. Once I reach the living room I'm greeted by a blushing Dan, as he stares at me. I begin to blush too, realizing how short the shirt is on my body; it lays a bit below my bum.

The doorbell then rings and snaps me and Dan out of our staring competition.

"I'll get it!" Phil shouts, running towards the door.

Dan quickly grabs the disc to spirited away and pops it in the DVD player. I sit on the couch and Dan joins me, followed by Phil and our Chinese food.

The rest of the night is spent on the couch, eating Chinese food with the slight exception of a comment on a part of the movie.

I look over to see Dan has fallen asleep, and feel myself begin to do the same. Soon enough everything is black, concluding the wonderful day.

Omg finally chapter 4, it feels so nice to be able to write again. I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter and made sure to make it at least 1000 words as an apology. I'm considering deleting the two authors notes before this so if those are not there don't be confused. thanks for reading my shit book tho


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