|| Chapter 11 ||

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*Your POV*

  It was our last full day in Michigan and I had something special planned for me and dan to do. After the whole incident with dans fans he had told me I could decide on something to do; and that's exactly what I intended on.

We had visited my mother for the last time and were headed to a restaurant called 'The Honey Tree'. Odd sounding I know, but they had really good food.

We were meeting up with my brother, Nickolas, seeing as I haven't seen him since my move to London. Originally I Hadn't planned on having dan join, but he had offered so I said yes.

"(Y/N), your phones ringing." Dan announced from the passenger seat, snapping me out of my focus on driving.

"Can you check who it is?" I asked kindly, not being dumb enough to be on my phone while I drive. Especially after the whole incident with my father.

"It's someone of the name 'Hoe Bag', shall I answer it for you?" he chuckled.

"Oh that's my friend Lily, and yeah it's better you listen to her rambling than me" I joked.

He rolled his eyes at me and picked up the phone.

"Hello" he spoke.

He paused listening to what she was saying.

"Im her friend dan"

I heard her giggle through the phone, but I couldn't make out what she said.

"Oh have you?" He chuckled.

She better not be saying anything to embarrass me or she won't hear the end of it

"What's she saying?" I asked dan.

"She's just telling me how much you talk about me" he grinned at me.

"Bitch" I muttered, as my cheeks reddened.

"Yeah she's driving, but I'll remind her to call you back later" he continued.

I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. Which was odd, seeing as I'm the one who had told him to talk to her in the first place. That's girl logic for ya.

"Bye, nice talking to you too" he spoke before hanging up the phone and setting it back in my purse.

"Why hoe bag?" he asked, his curiosity obviously getting the best of him.

"What did she say?" I rolled my eyes, ignoring his question.

"That she wants you to call her back later"

"Yeah I got that, but did she mention why?" I giggled.

"She mentioned something about a girl named Julia" he shrugged.

I felt a lump rose in my throat and my stomach drop at the mention of that name. What did she have to say about Julia? I haven't heard that name for awhile.

I mean I only just met lily, of course I had told her about my past with Julia, but it's weird that she even mentioned her.

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