|| Chapter 20 ||

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*Dans POV*

Everything that could go wrong the day of mine and Phil's flight did.

First of all the hotel we were staying in, charged us extra because we weren't out on time. Then when we were ready to head to the airport, our uber was late. Next when we got to the airport, my phone shattered. And to top it all off we missed our flight, so we had to stay in America another day.

Having no phone was a struggle, I mean have someone take something away that you use constantly. It's like you don't know what to do with your life. I couldn't buy a phone till I got back to London since I didn't bring extra money so I was shit out of luck with that.

Me and Phil were currently waiting for the plane to arrive since we got to the airport extra early this time around.

I was beyond excited to get back to London to see (Y/N). I'm so used to seeing her almost everyday it's been hard on me and my mood.

I didn't really feel like going to the parties and hanging out with friends because it all felt different without her here. Of course Phil still managed to get me to be social and do these things, but that didn't mean I was happy about it.

At one of the parties Phil got wasted and left with some girl, leaving me to have to hitch a ride with Tyler Oakley because Cat and Louise had left early. I ended up crashing at his place and we made a video together in the morning.

Most of mine and Phil's audiences would be extremely shocked if they knew what Phil was really like. I mean what he shows on camera is him but only the innocent Side.

The only people who knew the other side of Phil were me and the other youtubers. Phil gets wasted a lot, hooks up with a lot of girls, and does swear. Shocking I know.

Dont take this wrong, Phil is still nerdy and very kind to people, it's just he also has his moments. Everyone thinks me and Phil have the perfect friendship, well we don't.

I love Phil as my brother and best friend, but I don't agree with some of his choices and we do argue. Phil has helped me through my depression and was my first friend, but some nights when he gets really drunk it's hard on me and I have to clean up whatever messes he made in the morning. But like I said I love Phil and I would do anything for him.

I think that's why I got attached to (Y/N) so quickly, I guess she was a breathe of fresh air. Shes so kind and she takes care of me more than I do her.

When me and Phil got into fights she'd let me come over no matter how late, she'd make me cookies and tea and we'd stay up and talk.

When she was working I'd stop by her Starbucks and she'd always make me coffees for free and on her breaks we'd sit and talk until she had to continue.

I loved the way she felt in my arms when she fell asleep when we stayed up watching movies. And how her hands felt in mine.

She was always there for me when I needed someone to talk to sometimes besides Phil. Phil was my bestfriend of course but she was--something different? I don't know how to describe what she is to me, but I wouldn't trade what we have for anything else.

That's why I bought her a necklace. I had found it in a shop in Orlando, it was extremely expensive, but she deserves it. It's a thin silver chain with a diamond hanging from it.

White Crayon ||Danisnotonfire x Reader||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن