Chapter 1

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I shoved the black binder file into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Searching for my drawing book under the pile of papers that laid strewed over my desk, I quickly look out the window over the desk. It was early morning and the sun was just starting to peak through the trees , warming the cold house. It was midwinter and the apartment that I lived in, alone, was on the border of a forest, walking distance away from the college I went too.

Finally finding my drawing book, I threw it on the bed while plopping down on the bed, pulling on my warm winter socks reaching my thighs and pulling on my loose fitting combat boots. Even though its winter, I still needed to wear warm clothes because my wolf didn't provide me with a lot of warmth.

Werewolves can withstand cold weather because they have a bond with a pack. It is this pack bond that provides the wolf with warmth. I didn't belong to any packs and therefore I was a Rogue wolf.

Pack bonds are very important for werewolves. It ultimately made your wolf stronger as well as the human host body.

The sense of warmth that my wolf provided me with wasn't enough to keep me warm, because she doesn't get any strength from pack bonds.

I sigh and shake out my hair, staring out of the window, when I was younger I belonged to a pack. I was the Alpha's daughter, I can remember the days of running around, laughing, followed by a big man chasing me. My mother would sit on the porch watching with content as my father and I played our games.

All that changed when our pack was attacked, my mother was killed and my father went insane, I was kidnapped by the attackers on that dreadful night and was dropped off in a city, with no money, too far away to contact my pack through the mind-link, not that the link was strong. I was only 6 at the time.

I never heard from my family again.

I shake my head to get rid of the memories and rub my hands together, frost forming on my skin and turning my hands pale blue. I released my icy powers and I could feel the cold seep into my veins, matching the cold winter temperature outside. Some wolves where born with certain powers. Some had powers over the elements, some could communicate with the dead, others can move stuff with their minds, some could heal others with their spirit. Each gift was unique, powerful and hidden.

There was a pack of werewolves that sought out wolves with special abilities, preforming experiments on them, taking their blood to try and use the magic running through our veins for themselves, trying to create the ultimate pack, of course they were feared in the werewolf community, and though I kept my distance from werewolves, I still kept my ears to the ground.

I look at the time and curse, grabbing my bag and book, I run out of my bedroom and pass the kitchen, grabbing an apple on the counter and exit my apartment, locking the door behind me. Exiting onto the slippery sidewalk of the street, I hurriedly make my way towards my class. Having morning history class was the bane of my existence. It was dull and in the morning and the professor was such a drag to listen too.

Once I enter the building, I ignore all the other students and head straight to class. Entering class 10 minutes late, resulted in me being stared at, I simply squared out my shoulders and headed for my seat. Class was a bore and after 2 hours, the lesson was finally done. Since it was still early, and my classes were done for the day, I headed to my favorite coffee shop just off campus.

Spotting the familiar little building, I entered and the delicious smells of freshly baked goods and coffee wafted into my sensitive nose. I took a deep breath and ordered a cappuccino, headed into the back of the shop to sit at my table. It gave me a clear view over all the tables in the shop, but it hid me from view. Just the way I liked it.

Taking a sip from the bitter coffee, I pulled out my drawing book and started sketching numerous drawings, all of them containing mythical ice creatures, some of my own creation. My attention gets drawn away from my drawing when a scent hits my nose. My head snaps to the door in time to see two bulky men enter the store. Werewolves. I sink deeper into the cover in my corner and watch them carefully.

The two men walk up to the counter and order coffee. While the one guy looks around, I freeze my movements. I knew that if I moved it would give off my scent and alert these wolves to my presence. Just as they leave the store, the bigger one of the two guys, tilts his head into the air and takes a deep whiff. Growling softly, he knew I was here. The guy smiles and exit the building with the other guy.

I blew out a breath. Shit. I need to leave, if they find me here and report back to their pack, I will be dead. Two major packs bordered on this town, and finding a lone Rogue this close to their territory would not make any pack wolves happy.

I quickly packed up my books and savored the last sip of my coffee before hastily exiting the shop. Glancing up and down the street, I frown when I can't spot the wolves. Hopefully I don't run into them. I quickly start making my way back towards my flat, when I'm pulled into a alleyway. The two wolves grinning at me.


"Well, well, looks like we found ourselves a little rogue wolf" the bulky guy said, sneering at me.

I clung to my bag, "Let me go, I'm not here to harm anyone, nor harm your pack".

"We don't care what you are here for, Rogues can't be trusted."

I look between the two men and seized them up, they were both huge compared to me, they were stronger than me, but hopefully my small size would be helpful against them, as I will be quicker than them.

I put my bag down and turned my full attention to them, the smaller one of the two bend down into a attack pose, while the bigger one stepped closer to me.

Smiling at me, he approved slowly "You are a pretty one, maybe we can have some fun with you after we beat your ass".

My stomach sank into my shoes, over my dead body. I was quick to pounce onto the big guy, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, snapping his neck in one swift motion. Snapping a werewolves neck won't kill them, but only knock them out for a few hours.

The limp body sinks to the floor and I face the other werewolf. Before I focus on him, I'm shoved to the ground and a force hits my face, making black spots dance in front on my eyes. I could never face off between trained pack wolves, they were stronger, and all I knew from fighting is what I taught myself from self defense.

The guy sits on my chest and forces the air out of my lungs and I try desperately to suck in a breath before his hands lock around my neck. I kick up my legs and wrap them around his neck, pulling him off of my body. Sucking in a big gulp of air, my lungs burning, I jump on the guy and smash his head into the ground quickly. His eyes flutter shut and I jump up, grabbing my bag and hauling ass out of the alley towards my flat.

When I get home I lock my door and sink the the floor with my back against the door, hugging my knees. Shit, that was close.

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