Chapter 27

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As we settled into the car, the dull ache on my arm gradually got worse, I gently rubbed the skin through the fabric of my shirt, trying not to draw any attention to myself. I looked out the window, my mind filled with images of my life on the street while Blaze drove.

Once the pain in my arm got worse, I slipped my finger into my shirt, as soon as my finger made contact with the now burning scar, my head bobbed back as images of April filled my mind, the way she taught me magic when I was a kid, or the delicious food she brought me.

I saw her tattered wooden cabin, moss growing all over the roof, plants and herbs lining the window sill and the huge clearing we always sat in, practicing spells or listen to her tell me stories about my parents.

The images started going distance, like a movie camera panning out, focusing instead on a huge clearing with a lake, the tattered house standing solitude, hidden under the shadows of the trees near the edge of the clearing. Gradually the tree growth gets more dense, more dark and ultimately hiding the clearing from prying eyes.

Of course, the barrier April erected only helped in aiding to hide her presence as well as the existence of the clearing form any eyes, supernatural or not.

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, Blaze looking at me, concerned by my sudden vision. I, however, focused on my arm. The scar was gone and was replaced by a glowing magic circle burned into the inside of my forearm, intricate lines running down into the palm of my hand, where they weave into yet another magic circle.

"Nox, what the hell is that?"

My voice trembles slightly, "It's spell. A Location Spell, it's far more complex than anything I've seen."

My finger gently traces over the glowing circles, "I've only ever seen April use magic glyphs like these before."

I look towards Blaze, gently taking his warm hand within my own, "This will lead us right to her."

He didn't look very convinced but instead chose not to comment, instead he blew out a slow breath between his teeth and settled back into the seat. A few moments of silence ticks by, before he squeezes my hand and readies the car.

"Lead the way".

I touch the glyph on my forearm, lead me to April, I command and watch in wonder as the glyph lights up, filling the dark car with a brilliant orange light.


We were standing in front of a massive forest, the evergreen trees looming over us. The full moon casting long trails of shadows over us, like the fingers of an enormous monster reaching out. Blaze shifted from one foot to the other, his eyes darting back and forth to find any visible threat.

I gently rubbed a hand over my swollen belly and look back at Blaze, "Come on, baby," teasing him as I walk into the forest.

The floor was covered in damp moss, filling the air and making it hard to distinguish any visible threats. The tree canopy hardly letting any moon light reach the forest floor. It was dark, sending my werewolf senses into hyper drive, only being fueled by the occasional bump into fallen trees or tripping over pesky tree roots sticking out of the ground.

It didn't take long until the glyphs on my arm started burning and light up again, I came to a stop and pulled up my sleeve. The light casting eerie shadows around us. I look at Blaze, who was eyeing the marks curiously, before touching a finger to the glyph on my hand.

Ostende mihi tandem pythonissam*.

The words were out of my mouth before I could comprehend what I had said. As soon as I uttered it, the trees in front of us started distorting, like ripples on the surface of water. The air around us thick with magic, Blaze stepped in front of me, lowering himself into an attack position.

A small opening appeared in the barrier in front of us, giving way to show an open clearing. In the far corner, I could faintly make out a small cabin, the scent of fresh water wafting into my nose.

I smile at Blaze as I take his hand and step through the barrier.

Ostende mihi tandem pythonissam* - Show me the last witch

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