Chapter 10

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The training group had just left, but I  needed some time to ponder my fate. If I was Blaze's mate, the Alpha, that meant that soon, he'd expect me to help with the alpha duties. Being the pack's Luna meant, that there was no chance in hell I could escape now. He would never let me go.

Suddenly my chest constricted and I felt like I had all those years ago. I was trapped. I couldn't breathe, my breath hitching in my throat, making me almost suffocate on the ball in my throat. I was trapped and he was never going to let me go.

The world around me faded into darkness, the joyous chirping of birds faded into silence, leaving me numb. My heart dropped into my stomach and the lump in my throat felt like an iron grip tightening around my neck. Squeezing the life out of me like he did, not so long ago. He'll never let me go.

Never let me go.

Let me go.


"Nox!", slowly the darkness faded away. 

Faintly, I could hear the chirping of the birds return. The lump turned soft and I could suddenly sallow it down. My eyes started to focus around a figure and my body recognized the shocks that ran down my arm, where someone was touching me. After I felt the shock, it was like I was shocked into reality.

Blaze was on his knees next to me, with his hand on my arm, concern displayed in his shocking blue eyes. I frowned, "Why am I on the ground?", I could see confusion clouding Blaze's features. 

Blaze tried to lift his hand from my shoulder, but he couldn't, his hand was frozen and covered in frost, stuck to my skin. Great, now he knew I was a Gifted.  I quickly tried to rein in my powers, but looked up at Blaze, when I felt my arm getting very hot. Soon he pulled his hand free and pulled me into his arms. Warmth seeped into my entire body, the frost which covered my body quickly dissipated into nothing. The ice inside my limbs melted and I could move my body again.

"You are a Fire Gifted", Blaze simply nodded his head and picked me up in his arms. Slowly making his way to the river, which I have come to find as my solitude. My wolf howled in happiness at being in our mate's arms, but the female in me was furious. How dare he think I can not walk on my own. I won't be some helpless little femme wolf that can't do shit for herself. But I was so tired. 

Against my will, my head bobbed back against his chest, his warmth filling my body, relaxing me and soon my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


When I found her, she was basically frozen, covered in frost and ice. Almost completed covered in a cocoon of ice. The ground around her was covered in ice. I could see she came out of some living nightmare when I called her name, her pupils returned to their normal size.

I looked down at my mate, which was currently sleeping in my arms. I was so worried. I knew my Snow was an Ice Gifted and I chose to pick tonight to reveal to her during the hunting training that we were mates. I had hoped she would be in her wolf form, but she wasn't.

We are complete opposites. Fire and Ice. Darkness and Light.

I smiled down at my sleeping mate and sat down at the river. This was were I had found her during the Hunt. I wonder what happened to her? I didn't have to wait long as I hear her breathing become stronger and she started moving. She would wake up any time now. 

Soon, her blue green eyes opened and she looked up at me. I could see she was afraid and I wanted nothing more than to hold her, but I knew she needed to talk. Explain to me what the hell is going on. And talk about herself. 

"What's going on , Snow?" I asked her softly. I had grown quite fond of the little nickname I had for my mate. It was fitting.

She sat up and looked at me doubtfully, "I am your mate. I want nothing but to protect you, Just trust me. Someone other than yourself. You can't do everything on your own, Nox".

I could see that my words were getting through to her, she sighed. "I was kidnapped as a kid. Our pack was attacked and they kidnapped me. Dropped me off in a town far away from my pack. I was to small to mind link over such large distances. To this day, I still don't know if any of my pack survived, who attacked us or why."

I knew all this already, but I stayed quite. She was finally opening up and I didn't want to risk her not trusting me, shutting down again.

"For a few years, I was homeless. People stayed away from me, I guess they could sense the wolf in me. I learned how to fight and defend myself. I learned to be alone, that I could only ever rely on myself. When I turned 13, my powers started emerging. That's when my solitude life of homeless kid came to an end and turned into something much worse."

I watched as a involuntary shiver ran through her and she clenched my hand painfully hard.

"I was kidnapped again, by the Terror Pack". At that my heart clenched and I sat up, not the Terror Pack, they tortured Gifted wolves. Fear gripped my heart like a vice grip and squeezes.

After a long silence, Nox continued, "It was then that I found out they did experiments on Gifted wolves. They tortured me, experimented on me, starved me, beat me, trying to make me tell them how they could get a hold of powers, which we had."

Nox took a deep breath before she continued, "On the night of my 16th birthday, my powers spiked for some reason and I knew that this would be the only chance I'd get to escape. And escape I did. Not without seriously injuring and killing some of the Terror Pack members. I have been on the run from them ever since, until now. I came back here because I thought it was safe to finally do something for me. That's why I am here, I wanted to study art."

She stayed quite for a while and shook her head, like she was in some kind of trance. She looked at me with determined eyes, "I want to take them down, the whole entire damn pack".

Right then, I knew what had to happen next and I knew that my Snow wasn't going to like it.

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