Chapter 6

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I was in darkness, I wasn't sure whether my eyes were closed or not, the only reason I knew my eyes weren't close was because I could feel my eyes blinking. I can't be back here, or was everything I have lived through so far a dream?

My heart rate started picking up and thumping in my chest, hurting. No, I'm not afraid, I haven't been afraid since I was a kid.  Suddenly, I felt like a kid. My chest hurting and I knew exactly where I was. No, no, no, I can't be back here again. Not this place again.

I try to move my hands and hear the familiar clinking of the silver chains around my wrist and my heart sank into my stomach. I was back in this place. I was back to the endless darkness that tortured and killed and hurt. 

My whole pack was here, I could hear their screaming and tortured moans. The smell of death and blood hung heavily in the air and I choked back on my tears. The smell of  it made me choke. I tried to stand up, but the pain in my feet and legs had me frozen to the ground. 

I threw my head back, I knew what was coming, it was always the same. Hours in the darkness, freezing and alone. I didn't know if the others of my pack was alone in the darkness or whether they had someone to told onto, something to make them hold onto their humanity, but I knew that I didn't. I only had myself to rely on, I only had myself to hang onto my humanity and not lose myself in the darkness.

I knew that soon, he would come again. The Alpha, his face forever burned into my mind and I knew with him he brought pain. Mind splitting, heartbreaking, chaos raging pain.  The kind of pain that made you unsure of who you are, and whether you are human or not. The kind of pain that made you beg for death. A death that never came.

Fear gripped around my heart and it iced over when I head the metal clanking on keys being shoved in the door. I moved back into the wall, hoping it would shallow me up, but of course, it never did. The door opened and a stream of bright light shone through the darkness. In the light there was a shadow.

Please no. Please not him. 

"Nox!" Someone screamed and I woke up with tears in my eyes.

"No, not him, please not him, don't make me go back there".

Arms wrapped around me and I felt a shock go through me, slowly I started heating up, my eyes still wide with fear. 

"Shh Nox, it's okay, it was just a dream."

I look up into blazing blue eyes and I feel another shock run through me, my body heating up, before I fell asleep. 


I was woken up by screaming and I run into her room. I stop suddenly when my breathe comes out in big white puffs. The entire room was freezing cold, like walking into a fridge. I make my way over to a crying Nox. She was still asleep, having a nightmare, but she truly seemed terrified. 

I looked at her closely when I noticed her body was covered in frost. She was a Gifted. Like me. I touched her body and a shock ran through me, I must be dreaming. "Nox!".

She woke up with tears in her eyes, "No, not him, please not him, don't make me go back there".

I wrap my arms around her and again a shock run through my body. She was deadly cold and I release some of my power, gradually heating up her body, "Shh Nox, it's okay, it was just a dream."

She locks eyes with me and tingles run down my spine, Mate, before she falls asleep again. I hold her in my arms, warming up her body and enjoying the feel of my mate in my arms. I finally found her. And she was a Gifted, looks like she was a Ice Gifted. The exact opposite from me, who was a Fire Gifted.

I wonder what she experienced to make her have nightmares like these. I immediately pulled her body closer to mine and I felt a bigger surge of protectiveness run through my body. I look down at her peaceful face and wipe away the tears.

I'm sure she doesn't know that we are mates, she fell asleep before her wolf recognized mine. I pulled her body into mine and took a deep whiff of her. I'm not going to be able to hold or touch her for a while, so I should savor the moment now. My wolf whined in sadness at not being able to touch his mate.

We need to be patient, gain her trust.

I leave her room a few hours later and get into bed, I will protect my mate. It was the early morning hours when I was finally able to fall asleep.

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