Chapter 13

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I sat across from Blaze, looking at him while he looked at the menu, "I know this isn't what you expected, but this is where we met the first time, so I thought it would be fitting for us to have our first date here".

I cocked my head at him, "Is that so?"

His eyes found mine from above the menu and he smiled, "We got the whole place to ourselves."

I ignored him and looked back at the menu, of course I only used this as an excuse not to talk to him. I knew exactly what I wanted. When the friendly old lady came to take our order, I was ready.

"Cappuccino grande please".

"Black coffee Maggy, thank you".

I turned back to him, might as well make use of this. "So, tell me about yourself".

Blaze cocked an eyebrow at me, "Well, I'm the alpha, I'm 23 and I've been alpha since I was 16."

"How did that happen?"

"The Terror Pack attacked us and under the false pretense that my parent's were Gifted, tried to take them. But they resisted so instead, they killed them. I needed to lead my pack and protect my sister. So I kept my Gifted wolf secret, only Cara and my Beta knows."

I nodded my head thoughtfully, does this mean he doesn't trust his pack? "Why not show the rest of your pack, you are their Alpha?"

"It hasn't come up". Blaze answered vaguely. He was hiding something from me.

"Well, is Cara a Gifted? I didn't sense anything from her wolf."

"It doesn't seem like she is, for that I am thankful".

I just nodded my head instead of answering him.  After a few minutes of awkward silence, in which our order arrived, Blaze steered the conversation in a different direction.

"You look beautiful, by the way", I hung my head down and felt my cheeks burning. Shall my body betray me now? How dare it!

I looked up at him, "Where are we going after this?"

Blaze looked surprised, "How did you know there was another part to this date?"

I smiled smugly at him, "Well, this is a coffee shop, it only serves coffee, doesn't take a genius to figure that out."

I waited as he finished his coffee and stood up smiling at Maggy. My feet were wobbling in the damn heels, "Damn annoying death traps".

Behind me Blaze snickered in laughter and I shot him a glare over my shoulder. He shrugged and threw up his hands in mock surrender. I huffed out a breath in annoyance and made my way over to the door.

We were back in the car and I was curious as to where we were going next. My curiosity only peaked when we headed out of town, "Where are we going?"

"Wait and see, Snow".

I sat back in my seat and waited for us to come to a stop, even though it was really hard to wait. My curiosity killing me. I didn't have to wait too long as we soon came to a stop and I could smell the salt in the air, I turned towards him and smiled, "The ocean."

Before he could respond, I had already pulled off the death traps and was out of the car. Running down the hill, only stopping when my toes sink into the soft damp sand. Behind me I could hear Blaze coming closer. He was standing right behind me. I wonder if he will touch me.

Faintly, I felt his fingers make contact with my bare back. It was so soft and gentle that I might have imagined it, but the shocks running up my spine proved that he indeed did touch me. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in and relaxed under his touch.

I gave complete control over to my wolf and leaned back against Blaze's warm chest, resting my head on his shoulder. His hands burning me and it snaked around my hips, holding me to his chest and we stood there in silence for a while. 

This is so peaceful. I'd never been this peaceful in my life.

"Snow.." His voice was laced with uncertainty and I didn't want the peacefulness to end. 

I broke from his embrace and turned around looking at him. I slipped my dress off my shoulders and let it fall down my body, onto the sand. I smirked at him as I change into my wolf.


I watched her green dress slide down her body and suddenly I wished that it was my hands sliding down her pale skin, instead of that piece of fabric. She looked breathtaking, her pale body almost aglow in the moonlight. She smiled at me just before turning into her wolf.

This was the first time I saw her wolf. It was bigger than I thought it would be. She was bigger than most of the femme wolves in my pack. Her wolf was a brilliantly bright white, her paws a  few shades darker, almost black. Her fur and face was covered in bright blue markings. Her eyes bright blue. You could immediately see that she was a Ice wolf.

Her wolf barked at me before she took off. She wanted me to chase her. My wolf liked this idea very much and it didn't take me long to strip off my clothes and change into my wolf. Chasing after my mate. My wolf was filled with excitement, this was a sign. In the old days, there would be a chase between mates, when the male caught the female, it was a sign that he had won the right to mate with her then and there.

Even though my mind screamed at me that maybe she wasn't ready for that, I could not dwindle down the excitement in my wolf. I threw my head in the air and sniffed her out. Picking up her scent, I chased after her. I could see her behind in front of me. Her tail was in the air, giving me a view of her behind and my wolf got more excited.

I want to fuck our mate senseless. My wolf roared in my head and I digged my nails into the dirt, propelling myself forward with more momentum to catch up to her. She was in my sights and I jumped on her, pinning her to the ground.

I changed back immediately as I made contact with her, my wolf would have mated her, he was that close to losing control. Under neath me, Nox changed back. I sucked in a breath as her ass pushed into my already rock hard dick. This is so erotic. I sucked in a deep breath to calm down. Mate her!  My wolf howled in my head.

She turned around and I saw as her wolf stepped to the back of her mind, so her wolf was in control. I encased her in my arms and moved my head closer to hers, I watched as her eyes frantically jumped between mine, she's scared? I moved closer.

"Have you ever been kissed, Snow?"

Before she could answer, my nose had already dipped down into her neck, taking in her scent, licking the spot where I would mark her. My nose trailed over her cheek and my tongue licked her lips, begging for her to open her delectable mouth.

She moaned and opened her mouth slightly. I took that as my only chance and dipped my tongue into her mouth. Tasting her, my tongue caressing hers and my lips soothing hers. It was amazing. She didn't fight me for dominance and this was all I needed to know that she had indeed never been kissed.

I pulled back and wanted to kiss her again, but looking at her face, her eyes still closed, her lips puckered up and the most peaceful expression I've ever seen on her face, I knew that I shouldn't push her. 

I shouldn't push her, I smiled at the memory, because she will kick my ass.

Rebellious PossessivenessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon