Chapter 28

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Stepping through the barrier was like stepping into a whole new dimension. Outside the barrier, it was cold and windy. The trees barren as old, dried up leaves lined the floors. However, inside the barrier, we were blinded by a brilliant late summer sun. I blink my eyes rapidly to adjust to the sudden sharp change in lighting. I turn my head, ensuring that Blaze was next to me. I feel his warm hand resting on the small of my back, the tingles slowly spreading up my spine was a good indicator that he was with me. 

I take a small step forward, my vision adjusting to the light. The first thing I see is the enormous shimmering blue lake, the water looking so inviting that I had to fight the urge to submerge myself in the lake. My eyes follow the open clearing, the huge Evergreens casting long shadows in the late afternoon sun.

The clearing was beautiful, covered in millions of different wild flowers. All of them different colors, like a thousand of shimmering stars, blue's, red's, purple's, yellow's, pink's and white as far as my eyes could see. I take another step forward, into the flower field. The scent overpowering and yet delicate at the same time.

Blaze clears his throat and I get pulled back to reality. I look up at him and smile, my hand resting subconsciously on my bulging tummy. "I think we found April". 

He frowns slightly, "I still don't see how she will help us."

I simply rest my hand on his forearm, before turning my attention back to the clearing, my eyes squinting slightly in concentration as I search for that little tattered cabin.

In the far corner, hidden under young evergreens, stood the cabin. I quickly made my way over. Before we could reach the cabin, the door opened and I stopped moving. My heart hammering in my chest. I suck in a slow breath as a young woman steps out of the cabin.

Her hand still resting on the door frame, looking at me with curious green eyes. Her curly blonde hair hanging just under her shoulders. Her hands are slightly muddy, covered in fresh herbs that she has foraged in the forest. The slight wrinkles around her eyes are the only indication of her real age, despite her appearance. A huge magical aura surrounded the woman, rolling off her in waves and flowing freely into the ground and around the cabin, some being sucked into the barrier around us.

"April", I breath softly.

Suddenly a smile creeps onto the woman's face. I take a step forward, before she starts running towards me, embracing me in a tight hug. Blaze growls loudly, clearly suspicious of the old witch. I only bury my face in the crook of her hair, inhaling her earthy spell. It's been so long.

"Nox", she whispers before pulling away. 

She holds me back at arm's length, before looking between me and Blaze, her eyes resting on my tummy. Blaze steps forwards, growling slightly.

April smiles, "Don't worry, Gifted Wolf. I would never harm Nox's child, she is like my own child. Why don't you two come inside and tell me what happened?".

April turns around and walks toward the cabin, I rest my hand on Blaze's arm to calm him down, "We can trust her." Before following April into the cabin, Blaze trailing behind.

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