Chapter 30

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I opened my eyes, scrunching my brows together as a dull light greets me. My body feels lighter than ever and with no effort at all, I sit up. My eyes focus and I look around at my surroundings. I was in a field of wildflowers, the sweet scent prickling my nose and clearing the cloudiness in my head. I have never been to a field like this before. 

I slowly get to my feet, feeling a sense of airiness. The field was surrounded by tall Evergreen trees, the bright silver moon just overhead, casting long shadows on the plain. I could not see anything but darkness beyond the clearing, almost like the world have faded into nothing and stopped existing beyond this moment.

I hear a soft whimper and I turn around, my eyes zeroing in on a beaten and tired wolf laying on the ground, basking in the moonlight. I make my way over, falling on my knees when I see how beaten and broken down my wolf had become.

When I sank down next to her, she lifted her head and whimpered, looking at me with tired eyes. I gently pull her head onto my lap, stroking her muzzle and sinking my fingers into the fur around her neck. The once brilliantly soft white fur felt like dry grass under my touch.

"What have I done to you?" I looked down at her, my eyes tearing up.

My wolf just rolled her head to the side. My fingers run down her spine, to the end of her tail, before I place my hand on her head again, stroking all along the length of her body.

"I'm so sorry I did this to you, I should have never given in to my Gift, and now you are bearing the consequences. All of this to protect our pups. Thank you." 

My tears ran freely down my cheeks, landing on her head, seeping into the fur. I hugged her head close to my shoulder. 

"Thank you for always being there for me, through all my sadness and our hard times, you never gave up on us. You protected me when I was living on the streets. You protected me all those years I was a rogue. We went through some hard times, and I know you were hurting, you were lonely, but you never left me. I'm so sorry!"

I hugged her body closer to mine, she whined in my ear, barely having enough strength to produce the mournful sound. I was crying freely, her fur wet with my tears.

"Please don't  leave me, I promise I'll take better care of us, I'll trust people, I'll make sure you always have a pack. I will never again let us be alone or feel lonely. Just don't leave me. You are apart of me."

The world around us was silent, no insects singing to the moon, no owls looking for pray, the wind didn't even rustle through the grass around us. My wolf was quiet and my sobs grew louder. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach, my body feeling heavy. Every nerve in my body strung taunt with anticipation. I hold my breath as I look down at my wolf.  My eyes meet her pale blue ones, and I hear a faint whisper in my mind, "I love you". I smile down at her, kissing her head, "I love you too".

I hear her blow out her last breath. My heart breaks and I let out a bloodcurdling scream, my wolf laying lifeless in my arms.

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