Chapter 2

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The busy pack house with the loud noises from each werewolf was beginning to drive me up the walls. My wolf was edging at me to get out and go for a run. I needed some peace and quiet to relax. I decided to go to the coffee shop in town to investigate the report from earlier that a Rogue was spotted there.

The drive into town was a quick one and soon I stopped in front of the familiar little building with the best coffee in town, might as well get a coffee while I investigate, pushing the door open, a little bell announces my presence to the shop keeper. The old lady smiled at me as I order a normal coffee, looking around while I wait. 

I walk around the little shop and spot a table in the back. It's perfect, it allowed me to see everyone in the shop, while being hidden from sight. As soon as I sat down in the chair, I immediately smelled the stale scent of sand. The Rogue definitely spent time at this table. What was it looking at, who was it spying on? What was it planning?

I take another deep whiff and commit the scent to memory and continue drinking my coffee. The warm liquid burning down my throat in a pleasant way and settling down in my stomach. Slowly, I sit back and feel myself relax, sipping my coffee in peace. Once I was done, I exit the shop, turning my head up to the air, I take a deep whiff. Picking up on the stale scent, which meant that the Rogue was here only a few hours before, I set off down the street in the direction of the scent.

Making my way down the street, following the scent, I come to a stop when I smell the scent strongest coming from an alley. Stepping into the alley, I am greeted with two male wolves lying on the floor. Rushing over, I can immediately tell that they aren't dead, as well as that they were from my pack. I walk up to Bruce, a big hulking warrior wolf, and tap him lightly in the face.

Bruce's eyes snap open, taking a deep breath and sitting up, looking at me n confusion. "Alpha, what are you doing here", his voice was raspy and he licked his lips and swallowed to get rid of his dry throat.

"What happened here?"

"We found the scent of a Rogue in town and tried to lay a trap for it, but she got the upper hand on us, Alpha", he answers chuckling slightly and rubbing the back of his neck.


"Yes Alpha, a female, small. She didn't look like she had any decent training in her life, we thought we could overpower her, but she was fast, had the element of surprise on her side. She jumped on me and snapped my neck", he turned to his brother and tapped him to wake him up.

The boy sat up looking confused, "What happened?"

Bruce turned towards me, "Tell me what happened with the Rogue after she knocked your brother out?"

The boy clenched his fists in anger and stood up, "She knocked him out before I could even respond, then she jumped on me, I got a few punches in but it wasn't enough, she pinned me down and slammed my head against the ground and I passed out".

I stood up and sniffed the air again, walking out of the alley and down the street, continuing to follow the scent. Soon I reached the campus, Is she a student? , I passed through the campus on the other end, the two men following behind me, keeping alert as to protect me from the Rogue. I shake my head and continue on.

The scent came to a stop outside a small apartment building and I looked up to the windows, she was in there somewhere, she lived here. I turned towards the two men behind me, "Keep watch over her, call me when she leaves the building, do not engage, I repeat, do not engage".


That night it was difficult to go sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I got up, frustrated, and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and look out the window. I stared at the forest trees, the moon casting ghostly shadows on the lawn at the back of the flat. I squint my eyes as I see a faintly human shadow.

The human stepped out from behind the trees and I growl when I see it's the guy from earlier, staring up at my window smiling. Shit. I turn around and grabbed a bag, I needed to leave.  This was the life of a Rogue, always on the run, always hiding, never protected. 

All I wanted was to do something in my life that made me happy, all I wanted to do was study art and now I can't even do that. I sigh and shove all my clothes in my bag. Walking into the kitchen, I open the tin under the sink, taking out all my money. Running into my room, I grab my drawing book and cellphone. I will leave first thing in the morning, he saw me, he'll expect me to leave now.

When morning came, I was already awake, not being able to sleep much in anticipation to leave. The mist was still covering the earth, when I closed the door behind me and pulled my hood over my icy white curls. I disappear into the misty air, making my way to the coffee shop for one last coffee before I left and searched for a new place to hide.

I open the door of the shop and order my coffee, the lady told me to wait because she had to wait for the machines to turn on and heat up, so I waited in my spot. After 20 minutes, the waitress finally brought my coffee over to my table. I was savoring the first sip of my coffee when the bell on the door ran and my eyes lifted over towards the door.


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