Chapter 25

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I stare out the window, my legs curled up under me as I look down on the backyard where the pack wolves are busy training. It had been 2 weeks since Blaze told me what had happened with Genesis. We still didn't know what potion she fed me, and we were quickly running out of leads.

I open the window, feeling sick as I rest my head against the wall behind me. I scented Blaze outside the door, "Come in". The door opened and he came in, making his way over to me. 

"How are you feeling, Snow?" I look up at him, winching at the nickname, reminding me that a part of me was missing. 

"I feel sick, apart from that, you know how I feel." Blaze sinks down on his knees next to me, pulling me away from the window and onto his lap, ever since I woke up 2 weeks ago, our bond has grown stronger. 

I snuggle into his chest, a sob escaping me, "I still haven't been able to make contact with my wolf". Blaze rubs my back in reassuring circles, "Why can't I contact my wolf, Blaze?".


I felt horrible as I hugged Nox close to my body, it is true that we can't contact her wolf, not even my wolf could reach her. Nox' scent also changed more and more with each passing day. This is all my fault, if only I trusted my wolf. 

A small hand touches my face, "Don't blame yourself, you couldn't have known." I look down at Nox, she smiled faintly, before she jumps up from my lap and run towards the bathroom. I follow her into the bathroom, finding her bend over the toilet, gagging and heaving. 

"Are you okay?" I rush to her side, she smiles with a pale face, "I've been feeling sick lately". I place a soft kiss on her forehead, before she pushes me away and throw up into the toilet, I pull her up and slowly rinse her mouth and face, she cuddles into my chest, "I'm so tired".

Before I can ask her what's wrong she slumps into my arms. Alarmed, I pick her up and rush down the hallway towards the doctor's room.


I hold onto her pale small hand as I look towards the door the doctor just left from. 

"I ran some test and I have determined why Luna has been so weak lately. The Luna is 7 weeks pregnant. It is possible that she hasn't been able to make contact with her wolf, because she suffered a greater deal of internal damage than we initially thought and that her wolf has been focusing all her efforts on saving the pup.

The Luna is so physically weak because her wolf has been draining all her energy to save this pup. I'm putting the Luna on an intensive feeding drip solution and advise that she should get as much rest as possible.

Congratulations Alpha."

I rest my head on Nox' stomach, I'm going to be a dad?, my wolf was howling in my head,  he was happy that his mate was trying so hard to protect their pup. I close my eyes and peak my ears to try and listen for a heartbeat. 

I hear a feint shuffling, "Blaze". My head snaps up and turn towards Nox, I smile at her and place a tender kiss on her lips. "I have great news".

"I know why you haven't been able to reach your wolf, Nox, you are pregnant." I smile at her, "We are going to have a pup".

Nox smiles slowly, she looks shocked, but her hand protectively move towards her womb. "The doctor says that your wolf has been solely focusing on healing and protecting the pup and that's why she hasn't been in contact, it is also why you've been so weak lately, your wolf has been draining your strength."

I lean up and kiss Nox, she slowly recovers from her shocked state, slowly she looks up at me, her eyes determined, "I think I know how to get my Gift back".

Rebellious PossessivenessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora