Chapter 26

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I was sitting in the back of the car. Holding Blaze's hand, it comforts me. The soothing shocks running from my hand, up my arm into my spine. My other hand resting on my now slightly bulging stomach. I'm pregnant? How is that possible.. How will I protect this pup, I don't have my Gift, I can't reach my wolf.. Blaze squeeze my hand reassuringly.

I lay my head back on the seat, looking at him. His eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
"While I was living on the streets, I met a woman. Reluctantly. She saw me oneday, while I was rummaging through a bin to get food. I was 8 at the time. It was a while but we eventually became friends. She wanted to adopt me, she knew I was the Alpha's daughter."

I smile at Blaze before continuing, "She was an old friend of my mother's, she visited our pack frequently when I was born, but then work got in the way. She wanted me to stay in her home, but I refused. She brought me food everyday, she made sure I was fed. After I was taken at 10 by the Terror Pack, I lost all contact with her".

"Why do you think she'll be able to help us get your Gift back?"

"She's one of the greatest Witches. If not one of the Last in the world".

"I thought they were all extinct."

"After the Salem Witch hunts, the whole supernatural world was in trouble. Witches more than any others. April has been in hiding for a very long time, she's the daughter of Merlin. She's been hiding ever since her father died. Although witches were hunted to the brink of extinction, April never truly came out into the public, even before the Witch Hunts."

Blaze blows out a small breath he's been holding in,"So where is April now?"

"I don't know, but I know where to start looking."

My stomach clenches nervously as I set foot on the streets where I grew up. I have so many bad memories, I walk down the alleyway we first met and I can't stop the memories flowing through me. I walk deeper into the alleyway, I can hear Blaze's footsteps behind me, my hand resting on the slight bump of my stomach.

I spot in front of the spot I usually slept at. I suck in a deep breathe and bent down to the spot. I touch the ground. Where are you, April?  I feel nothing. I scrunch my eyebrows together in concentration, I try to release some magic, I feel a dull ache inside, I gasp.

Where are you, April the Last Witch?

I pull my hand back as a shock run through me, I jump up, right into Blaze's chest. He wraps his arms around me protectively, one hand resting on my head. I barely reach the middle of his chest, he towers over me.

"I know where she is".

Blaze walks ahead towards the car, I look at my hand, still tingling from the shock. I look down at my hand, a small scar runs up my arm, burning. From my palm to the middle of my forearm.

What is this?

I pull my sleeve over my arm to cover it up and follow Blaze to the car.

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