Chapter 21

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I squeezed Nox' hand and prayed for the millionth time that she would wake up. I stared down at her pale face, she is even more pale now than normal. 

After the bloodcurdling scream, Nox passed out and my wolf went mad, he didn't want anyone to touch our mate or even look at her. It was a mission to get her home, my wolf didn't allow me to change back into my human form, because he didn't feel like we would be able to protect our mate, if we were in our human form. 

After a struggle journey home, I could finally get Nox to the doctor. This harrowing journey happened 4 weeks ago. She hasn't woken up since and I was really starting to worry, my wolf clawing at all my mental walls to get out and attack everyone in sight.

I growled and jumped up from my chair when I heard the door of the hospital room open and sank back into a relax position over Nox' body when I saw it was just Dr.Feller coming in. I had asked him numerous times over the last weeks to tell me what is wrong and why I can't sense Nox' wolf. He has been unable to answer and it's been driving my wolf crazy.

I growled when I sat back into my chair, "Do you have an answer for me yet, Dr. Feller?".

I could judge from the look on his face that he didn't and I couldn't stop the anger from surfacing. Before I could stop myself, I had grabbed the doctor around the throat and pushed him up against the wall, furious.

"I have waited four weeks for you to do your job, but you have yet to do it!", the force of my Alpha voice was enough to make the windows of the room tremble, never mind the poor sob in my hold. I could smell the fear rolling off of him and it pissed me off more.

With huge restraint, I dropped the doctor and sat down in my chair, how am I going to find out what happened to my mate? Who knows the answers that I'm looking for? Why can't I sense her wolf?

The questions were driving me insane and I left the room to get some fresh air, I needed to know how to safe my mate, I could feel her slipping away from me, away from this world and into the next. The link from her marking was starting to weaken and it was scaring my wolf and I. We could not live without our mate. What would we be without our mate?

I was walking in the forest when I caught a weird scent I had never smelled before. I was sniffing around, trying to distinguish what I am smelling. It was like dirt, rain and sandalwood. This peculiar scent had me on high defense.

The scent came to a spot a few meters away, hidden away in the shadows and I decided this was my only chance to find out what creature belonged to such a interesting scent. I stared at the spot the scent was coming from, "Come on out, creature, I can smell you".

I wasn't sure what kind of creature I was expecting, but I didn't expect the scent to belong to a fragile looking woman with long blonde hair and bohemian style clothes. She looked like any normal woman, but her scent wasn't that of a human.

"Where is she?", her voice betrayed her years of knowledge and maturity.

My guard when up again, "Who are you?"

She simply smiled and started walking towards me, "I'm Genesis. We don't have time for this conversation if you want your mate to live".

I wasted no more time on asking questions and instead followed her to Nox' room.

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