Chapter 4

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When Blake stopped the car, I threw open the door and practically jumped out of the car. Thank god that drive is over. The tension in the car was running high the entire ride and completely silent. I caught Blake staring at me quite a few times. This isn't good, I can't get involved with him, or anyone.

I looked around the pack tentatively, it's been a long time since I stepped foot on any pack grounds or were this close to any pack. My wolf howled in happiness, she missed being surrounded by others of her kind and missed the pack life. Werewolves are pack animals after all. I, on the other hand, was suspicious. I didn't like being around so many people, nor did I trust anyone here. I need to be careful.

I heard footsteps behind me and I knew it was Blake, he reached out his hand and tried to touch me,  No!  

I quickly moved out of the way and glared at him. He frowned but didn't say anything. I took a step forward and looked around the area. It was a massive 5 story house in the woods, surrounded by trees. I could see the outline of houses in the trees. Must be were the mated wolves live.

There was a clearing in front of the house, that functioned as a yard and I was pretty sure the "backyard" was used as the training grounds. Based on the size of the house, this pack was big. I turned towards Blake, "How big is the pack?"

He puffed out his chest proudly, "More than 5000 members".

He was looking for a sign of being impressed but I kept my face neutral, "How many can fight?"

He frowned, "More than 4000 warriors, 200 trackers and the rest are children to young to fight or the elderly."

I simply nodded my head, big pack which means it's going to take a while for them to train, the sooner I start, the sooner I can leave. I turned to Blake, "The sooner I start, the sooner I can leave. Get your pack to meet me at the training grounds in 20 minutes, where am I staying?" 

Blake smiled and the two men behind him growled, I just disrespected their Alpha in front of them on his territory. I was risking a lot, but I didn't have time to play games and I haven't been part of a pack in years, I had no loyalty towards anyone except myself. I was, however confused as to why Blake didn't kill me for being disrespectful, or at least threatened me. All he did was smile.

"Right, follow me", Blake turned around and started walking to the house. 

I turned towards the two wolves being left behind and smiled, "Looking forward to kicking your asses again, gentlemen."

Before they could respond, I turned around and followed Blake. I heard him chuckle and sighed, "I don't understand you".

Blake looked over his shoulder at me and continued walking, "Why is that?"

"I'm a rogue on your territory, yet I'm alive. I insult your pack members, yet I'm alive. I disrespect you, yet I'm alive. Why is that?"

Blake shrugged his shoulders and came to a stop in front of a door, "This is your room".

I stand in front of the door and look at him, arching my eyebrow, waiting for an answer. Instead of answering me, Blake turns around and smiles, walking away, "You are different".

I sigh and enter my room, "You are different", different how?  I'm confused, but I didn't have time to think about that. I needed to get changed, look for a way to escape and head downstairs all in 20 minutes.

The room was simple, cream colored, with bare walls and no defining features. There was a big bed, a walk in closet and an en suit bathroom. The only furniture in the room was a bed, a desk, chair and lamp. 

I sigh and grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom, I do my business and wash my face. Changing into tights, running shoes and a black sports bra, with a green one over that. I needed to secure my breast down, since they were quite big for my small body, and in training they were bound to bounce around. 

I put my white curls in a high pony tail, the tips touching the small of my back. I look around the bathroom when I'm done and spot a small window, I open the window and look down, Shit, the room is on the fifth floor, a jump that far will definitely hurt. I need another escape route.

I sigh and exit the bathroom, shoving my bag under the bed and exit the room, making my way downstairs.


My pack was waiting downstairs as I had ordered them too. I smiled and my chest swelled in pride. I walked to the front of the pack and turned to look at them. They all smiled back and suddenly I was bombarded with questions.

Alpha, why is there a Rogue on the territory?

Why are we gathered here, Alpha?

What's going on, Alpha?

Is this emergency training, Alpha?

Are we getting a new trainer, Alpha?

Who is the pale girl in the house, Alpha?

"Enough!" my voice bellowed over the crowd and everyone quieted down. "Today, it has come to my attention that we are not ready, as I had thought us to be. So, as of today, we have a new pack trainer, Nox."

My eyes swept over the crowd and every wolf seemed excited at the prospect of a new trainer. I continued my speech, "However, Nox is not apart of this pack, she is a rogue", I heard a collective hiss from the crowd. "She will not be touched by anyone in this pack, is that understood?", I used my Alpha tone and I heard a collective "Yes, Alpha"  from the pack.

I smiled and stepped back and waited for Nox to arrive. After a few minutes, the scent of peaches with a tone of earth reached my nose, and my eyes snapped to the backdoor waiting for her to come out. Nox exited the pack house and my breathe caught in my lungs. She looked amazing, but my chest constricted when I saw the eyes of the male wolves zoning in on her.

I don't like it, I don't like it at all.

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