Chapter 29

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We were sitting around the small table in Alice's kitchen, a cup of steaming coffee between our hands. Blaze was sitting next to me, his hand resting on my thigh, I see Alice looking between us, her brows slightly scrunched together.

"It's just like how I remember it", I tell her. The little cabin hasn't changed one bit since the many years I last saw it. The walls were covered in moss and in one corner wild ivy was starting to rank up the walls. The kitchen and living area was lit with the weirdest sort of "fairy light", I could see the small lights floating in the air, before swaying and moving slightly to another part of the house. A small "fairy" creature landed on the table, lighting up the room. It's wings twice as big as it's body and giving off light, similar to a firefly. The body resembled a human-like figure, the head slightly larger than a normal human, with big black eyes. The creature looked at us, until I put out my finger. The little creature looked at it curiously, before touching it and moving it around. 

I looked up at Alice, to find her smiling at me, "Those are Sprites, similar to pixies and fairies and much like fireflies, their wings glow to attract mates. They are naturally curious, but the wolf in you two seem to attract them." I look back at the table, seeing that more sprites joined and was looking at Blaze curiously. One was flying around his head. Suddenly the little devil dove down and gripped a handful of Blaze's hair and pulling it. Blaze curses and flicks at them in annoyance. I bite my lip to stop from laughing. 

"They can be quite mischievous, but are generally harmless." Alice sits down at the head of the table as more sprites fly over. Some noticing my slightly swollen belly, before rubbing their heads on it, hugging their tiny bodies close to the swollen skin. I look up at Alice, "One of their roles in nature is to ensure the fertility of plants and certain animals, so they are naturally drawn to the baby in your womb."

"So tell me why you are here?"

Blaze suddenly speaks, telling Alice the whole story about how I lost control of my power, about Genesis, about finding out how I was pregnant and how I couldn't communicate with my wolf. During the whole story, Alice was quiet, nodding her head every now and then.

"Is there a way to get my gift back? Will I be able to communicate with my wolf again?"

Alice is quiet, before she sits back, "Well, for one, the doctor was right, your wolf is trying very hard to protect and heal the babies and won't probably be able to communicate with you for a bit. I think I can create a tonic to help your wolf however."

I look back at Blaze, "Alice, did you say babies?"

She smiles at me, taking my hand, "Yes my dear, two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl. They will grow up strong, they will annoy each other with constant teasing, but will both be very protective of each other."

I smile at Blaze and the quick reading Alice gave about our children. She stood up and started mixing some herbs with a mortal and pestle, crushing them into a powder, before adding milk and some of her magic. Blaze and I watched her in fascination as she mixes the potion. She pours the mixture into a beautifully sculpted wooden cup and places it in front of me.

"This should help your wolf along and help make the babies a bit stronger". I smile up at her gratefully and gulp down the mixture in a few short gulps. Feeling the magic slowly starting to work it's way into my body.

"Now, to get your Gift back will be a bit more difficult, seeing as it's been locked away. The key to unlocking it would be how well Blaze's gift reacts to yours."

Both Blaze and I look at her, confusion clear on our faces. Suddenly a wave of exhaustion hits me, my eyes becoming heavy as I slump back into Blaze. He wraps his arms around me protectively.

"But before we do that, the potion is kicking in and Nox needs rest".

My vision blurs before my world turns dark.

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