Chapter 31

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I sat looking at my wolf, my fingers curled into her fur. Hoping desperately that I'm dreaming and that she isn't dead. My fingers searching for any sign of a heartbeat under her thick fur. I can barely see, my eyes blurry with tears, my throat raw with my pained screams. I wipe furiously at my teary eyes, but as quickly as I wipe them, they fill up with unshed tears.

I needed to see. I need to make sure she isn't dead. 

I pull her closer, rocking back and forth, cradling her head into my chest. Resting my forehead on top of her head. My tears falling freely, "Don't leave me, please don't leave me"

Suddenly, the patches of wet fur begin to glow with a soft silver light. I sit back, looking at my wolf before her body explodes in silver light. I watch as her body starts floating in the air, great orbs of moonlight appearing and getting absorbed into her body.

"What's happening?"

A beautiful woman steps out of the moonlight, like through an invisible door. Her long silver hair dragging behind her, strange wolf ears peaking out from just underneath her silver locks. She is naked, her body covered with runic symbols from the Old World, when supernatural beings reigned supreme. The symbols were barely visible, but shone with a silver light when the moonlight shone on them.

Amazed, my voice is barely above a whisper, but she still hears me, "Who are you?"

"My name is Deam Meri-Diana Lux, but your kind call me The Moon Goddess. The First Luna."

Her voice was soft and sent comfort running down my bones. Her face held a serene smile and her eyes were white, glowing with the light of the moon. Her feet just barely hovering above the ground.

"Why are you here, holy one?"

She smiled before looking up at my wolf, still suspended in the air. "I heard your cries, I felt your pain, the pain of your wolf. I can not allow you or your wolf to die yet, there is far too much work to be done".

I watched as my wolf floated towards her outstretched arms. She brought my wolf's head up to her lips, before laying a kiss with her pale lips on her head. I watched in awe as my wolf took her first breath. I heard her heart beat flutter to life. The Moon Goddess laid my wolf down on my lap.

"Forgive me for asking, Goddess, but what work must be done?"

A soft frown appeared on her forehead, "A new threat is looming on the horizon, Nox of Clearwater. This threat is so great, that should you fail, the whole supernatural world is at risk. You and your pack are the front line as well as the only ones who can protect this world."

"Why me?"

She smiled softly before bending forward and touching a delicate hand to my cheek, "You and your mate are the only ones strong enough to stop them. Your pack needs you, your pups need you, I need you"

With those words, she disappeared like mist in the sun, right before my eyes. I looked down at my wolf, she was sleeping in my arms, but she looked stronger, healthier. Her fur was warm and soft. Her body was strong and firm, healed from all the cuts and bruises.

I feel myself getting tired, my eyes heavy and refusing to open as I lay back..

My eyes open slowly, my hands immediately going to my bulging tummy, I rub over the surface slowly, straining my ears to listen for a heartbeat, They are safe, I protected them. I sink back into the pillows, my pups are safe, my wolf is safe. I'm so glad you are alive, I could feel her smiling in my head. 

I died, you were there, I saw you, I was floating around in darkness when I saw this bright light beckoning me back. I'm sorry I left you Nox.

It was the Moon Goddess. She brought you back.

After that, my wolf was quiet once more, I knew she needed her rest. I sat up, my head feeling slightly clouded. I smiled when I saw all the sprites gathering around my belly. I gently nudged one sprite nuzzled onto my protruding navel.

"They refused to leave your side" I looked up at Blaze, he was smiling at me, but I could see the concern in his eyes. I pulled his head closer and kissed him. The tingles of our mate bond spreading through me. I suck on his tongue and I smile when I hear him growling.

He pulls away and rest his head against my forehead, "I really need to mark you, I was worried sick".

I laughed, "Yes you do".

I hear someone clearing their throat and I look up to see Alice smiling at me. She arched an eyebrow and I got up, sitting at the table. I notice the cup, which held the potion Alice gave me earlier.

"What was in that cup?" I pointed to the cup with disdain.

Blaze sat down next to me, his hand resting on my thigh, rubbing slow circles on the skin, I knew that he was trying to comfort himself, pleased that I was alright.

"It was a special potion, to send your conscious mind to the dream world. You are the only one who could reach your wolf and bring her back, along with your Gift."

I remained silent, "How long was I gone?"

Blaze looked at me, "About half a day".

"What happened in there, Nox" Alice took my hand, her eyes glazing over and I knew that she was reliving my dream.

"I saw my wolf, she was beaten, bruised and so weak she couldn't talk. She died. I felt my soul rip apart. I felt my life losing it's purpose and I felt my wolf slipping through my fingers. But then I saw her. The Moon Goddess appeared. She breathed life back into my wolf, healing her."

Blaze hugged me tightly. I could see the concern in Alice's eyes. I looked at her, begging her silently. I pulled away from Blaze, "She also gave me a warning. She told me that we should prepare for war."

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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