Chapter 14

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When I got back to the house, Cara was waiting for me. Instead of answering the thousand questions I knew she had, I pressed the silver death traps into her chest and walked up the stairs to my room. I have absolutely no idea what happened. My wolf just took over and I couldn't take the control back. 

I could feel my lips and skin still burning where Blaze has touched and kissed me. Is it because we are mates or is it because he is a Fire Gifted?  I touched my lips as I entered my room. Stripping off my clothes and underwear, I got into bed. 

Cara knocked on the door, but I ignored her and fell into a restless sleep.

I was running. The darkness was all around me and I couldn't escape it. My throat was dry and my lips cracked. My body was caked in blood and my feet were being cut up on the forest floor. I was running but I could hear the pounds of hundreds of paws following me. I need to get away.

I was pushing my body as fast as it could go and soon I heard the footfalls die down. I lost them. Finally. I came to a stop before a cliff. That was my mistake. Stopping. The whole pack had surrounded me and was now advancing on me. The pack stopped coming closer and I knew, if I used my powers now, they would never leave me alone. They would take me back dead or alive. While now I still had a chance to escape with my life in tact.

He broke through the circle and stepped up to me, "Ah Nox, I'm so glad we caught up to you, we can't let our little lamb go".

He smiled at me and I felt the bile rise up in my throat. He circled me and his pack stepped closer, "Now, I'm quite surprised to see that you escaped the facility, little lamb."

I took a step back and my body automatically started to built up it's power, trying to protect me. I forced it down, I can't let them know. 

"You are my favourite, I can't let you go. Even if you aren't Gifted. You are mine, little lamb". He smiled and took a lock of my hair. I slapped his hand away.

"Go fuck yourself, Emile".

He stepped back and waved his hand. His pack descending on me. "Noooo!"

I feel arms wrap around me and look up to see blazing blue eyes. Blaze. I crawl deeper into his arms, feeling his heat seeping through my skin and into my body. I clutch myself closer to his body and he kisses my forehead. 

"He's coming for me."

"Who is coming for you?"


Blaze stiffens and looks at me, "What are you talking about?"

"The Terror Pack Alpha, Emile, he is coming for me."

"How do you even know that? It was just a dream"

I feel my power rising and I shove him off of me.Why won't this asshole believe me?  "Why won't you believe me?"

Blaze looks dumbfounded, "Look asshole, that man doesn't know I'm gifted, I escaped before that. But regardless of that, he wants me. He thinks I'm his mate. He wants me whether I'm Gifted or not".

That got his attention, "You are mine!"

"No asshole, I'm no ones, not his nor yours".

Blaze growled at me and shoved me down on the bed, I summoned a shard and pressed it into his throat, "Get off me now, before I slit your throat".

He growled in anger but got off regardless. He was out the door before I could sit up, shouting orders and waking up the whole pack. I sighed and ran after him. It was only when I was in the hall that I realized I was naked.

Fuck me! 

I ran back to my room and pulled on a big shirt and shorts. Following Blaze's scent to the office. I enter the room before I knock, but the members inside pay me no mind and I walk up to Blaze. The office wasn't very big. It consisted of a big mahogany desk and chair and behind those was a massive floor-to-ceiling bookcase. 

I walked to his side and was met with growling, "Why is the rogue here?"

Blaze looked up and pulled me closer, "Show your Luna some respect".

The whole pack looked down in shock and I wormed my way out of his arms. "Right, this isn't awkward". I heard Cara snicker and I looked up to her.

"So what is the plan, Blaze."

He looked at me confused and cleared his throat, "Right, here is the plan".

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