Chapter 19

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The run back to Emile's secret hideout, which was not so secret anymore, was tense. I knew that I was not marked and that made me relatively safe. Since that meant that I could play this game a little longer to safe my pack, but being unmated put me in a rather dangerous situation. I knew that Emile would not let me go. 

To ensure that I stayed by his side, he would mark me, whether I was his true mate or not. I calmed my nerves. I knew his wolf knew I was not his true mate, but the man was insane. His insanity overpowered his wolf. If I knew Emile as well as I did, he would try to mate me as soon as possible. 

That didn't leave me with a lot of time. Nor did it give Blaze a lot of time to pull together an attack. I didn't know whether my mind link would reach him, since our bond was incomplete but I knew I had to try. To safe the pack and all other Gifted wolves from Emile's evil and unstable ways.

Ready the pack to attack. 

I had no idea whether it reached him, but I had to be hopeful. I send Blake a mental image off the fortress and any surrounding landmarks. I turned my attention back to Emile just as we reached the fortress. I needed to tread carefully.

Emile changed and gestured that everyone else did the same. I changed and stared at him. The anger that rolled of Emile in waves were so strong that I could choke on it. Slowly, I started letting go off my powers, letting it buildup and flow through my blood stream in time with my beating heart. I would need to build up the charge of my powers if everything would be going according to my impulsive plan.

Emile barked out orders before he grabbed my arm and let me into the building. Once we were in his room and the door lock turned, his anger started suffocating me. 

Emile approached me and grabbed my hair, "I thought I had lost you."

As much as I wanted to rip his filthy arms off, I knew it wasn't the right time yet. I stayed quite and let him continue. He pulled my head back and exposed my neck. I knew he was looking for any mating marks. 

He smiled when he found none, "You will be mine, Nox, you are always mine."

He bend his head down and kissed my neck. I tried to keep the flare of power trying to retaliate to him, in control. I can't let him get suspicious of me. Instead, I stepped back.

"Why are you doing this, Emile? Haven't you got enough from my blood already?"

He smiled, "Oh yes mate, I do so dearly miss our perfect years together. With you in a cage and me, being the only man you knew."

Suddenly his smile changed and rage burned behind his eyes, "But then you escaped me. I loved you and you hurt me so dearly. I am no longer the one who haunts you in your dreams, I am not the man who tortures you and neither am I the only man who fucked you."

I raised my chin, "Fuck you."

You better hurry up Blaze! I knew pissing off Emile even more was not a good idea, but my deviant nature would not allow me to be submissive to him again.

"It seems that in your years of freedom, my perfect little mate has become quite disobedient, but I can fix that. There is nothing I like more than beating obedience into you".

Before I could react, Emile's fist connected with my cheek in a bone shattering impact and send me flying sideways. My back connected with the wooden bed post and I slummed to the floor in a heap of pain. He approached me and sent a kick into my already bruised rips. A puff of air escaped my lips. 

He picked me up by my neck and pushed me up a wall. His eyes shining with excitement and I rolled my eyes to the ceiling, yes, this is the Emile I remembered from all those years ago. I could feel the dark pit of terror and despair settle in my stomach, beckoning me to fall into it.

Emile punched my stomach and I coughed up blood onto his naked chest. The pain running up my body. Emile wasn't done. He kept landing blows to my midsection and the pain was bringing me near the edge of losing consciousness. 

"This is for leaving me. This is for all the pain you have caused me. This is for being a whore and sleeping with that useless Alpha."

He stopped and looked at me, "And this is for me." 

My eyes snapped open and through the blood that had run into my eyes, I could see his teeth elongating and his head sinking towards my neck. Panic rose in me and my heart began beating out of my chest.


I felt my power burst free of my body and for the first time in my life, I was not in control of my powers. I felt my skin freeze over and the blood in my veins running cold. Not because of terror, but because I finally felt at home. Safe. 

My vision turned blood and I felt all the pain draining from my body. I saw Emile's head snap back and I knew that the ice covering my skin prevented him from marking me. He tried to step back but his hands were frozen onto my body.

I felt all emotion drain from my body and I only had one goal. Kill.

Emile's eyes grew wide when he realized that he was trapped. I lifted my hands, and placed them around his neck. The frost spreading from my fingertips onto his skin, but instead of it protecting him, like it did me. It burned his skin, slowly killing the flesh and rendering it black.

He screamed in pain and his eyes rolled back. I released another wave of my power. His body froze over in seconds. I willed the ice to go deeper, seeping into his skin and reaching his blood, his organs and eventually his heart. His heart turned to crystal ice and in my mind I shattered it. I let go of Emile and watched his body fall to the ground. 

Slowly, I exit the room. My job wasn't done yet and I felt the power of ice consuming me once more. It willed my body to move on. I felt nothing but the need to kill.

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