Chapter 9

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I enter into the clearing and see that the whole pack is there, ready for the stealth training. I see relieve flood Blaze's face and he smiles briefly at me and head to the front of the pack. What was that about? Weird.

With a scowl on my face, I walked to the front of the group and looked at the pack. Many of them looked at me with hatred. I sighed, pack wolves always judged rogues, without knowing the real reason why we were what we are. Blaze, Bruce and Cara were at the front of the group looking back at me."

I ignore them and instead look over their heads at the pack, "I appreciate everyone being here. I know you hate rogues and thus hate me. But the sooner you are all trained, the sooner you will get rid of the rogue, the sooner you get rid of me."

I see relieve and determination fill most of their faces, while Blaze looked hurt and confused. I decided to ignore him and turn my attention back to the pack, "Everyone split up, now, we will do this on the easiest way possible. Divide into two groups. Male and female".

I watched as the entire training pack split into two groups. Males and females. This might be easier than I thought it would be. The split was nearly equal.

"The females will be the hunted and the males will be the hunters. Each male will pick a female to hunt. The females will enter the forest and find a hiding spot. The male would then hunt the chosen female and once they find her, she must defend herself. The hunter and hunted positions changes when all the females had been hunted. When you are caught, give off a howl to let me know."

The males seemed to really like this idea while the females huddled into a group and looked scared. I sighed, "Girls, please remember than in the event of an attack, the males won't always be there to save you, so please take this training serious. Be alert, use your senses and fight back as hard as you possibly can."

I could see determination cross their faces and smiled faintly, good, they need to learn to depend on themselves for protection. I turn my attention to the males, "May I remind you that this is training and not the time for mating games. Use your senses to track down your pray. Think of your pray as the ultimate enemy. Plan out your move before you attack and fight vigilantly."

I could see the excitement running through the pack, they seemed really interested in this exercise. "Males, pick your prey." I saw the men lifting their noses in the air and scenting out the chosen female they were to hunt. I turn around and walk to the edge of the forest. 

"Females change, and head into the forest." Immediately, I saw humans turning into different shades of fur, some of the female wolves were bigger than the others and some already sported their mating marks. The females headed into the forest and I turned back to the males.

"When I howl you are allowed to start hunting. Good luck gentlemen." 

I turn around and run into the forest. I didn't like changing into my wolf since I knew that it would show people that I was a Gifted wolf. Instead, I headed into the forest in my female form and headed for the river. After 5 minutes, I threw my head back and howled into the air. Signaling that the hunt was to begin.

I played with my fingertips in the cold water, waiting for the howls that signaled when all the females had been found. I let my power go and watched as my fingers turned blue, my hand shining like diamonds when the sun finally shone on the frost. I watched the water around my fingers turn solid, frozen.

I knew no wolf would be crazy enough to track down me, the rogue. I sighed when I heard the first howl go off, signalling that some female had lost. I sat down on the river bank, settling in for a long wait, when I heard another howl. Before that howl was done, another was signaled. 

"This isn't good. If they can't stand 5 minutes against their own pack, they will get slaughtered in a real war".

I get up, ready to head back when I'm suddenly tackled to the floor, pinned underneath a huge wolf. "My, My, I didn't think any wolf would be stupid.." I'm cut off when I look into the wolf's eyes and a shock runs through my body. 


I blink and look at the wolf, my mate. The wolf got off of me and I sat up. My mate was huge, covered in glistening black fur, with red tribal markings on it's body and forehead, the intricate lines curving around his eyes. Eyes that were blood red. 

My mate was a Gifted. Like me. 

I'm still staring at the wolf when he throws his head back and howls. Signalling to all, that I had been caught. Just as swiftly as he howled, he stopped and ran away. Dazed, I stood up and slowly make my way back to the clearing. 

I had a mate. A Gifted mate. A mate that was in this pack. A mate that obviously didn't want me to know his identity and a mate that was stupid enough to come find me. 

I finally get into the clearing and see that most of the pack was already there, in the distance another howl went off, signalling that another wolf was defeated. I see Cara walking over to me and behind her, I see Blaze. 

As soon as our eyes meet, I knew that he was my mate. He was the Gifted Wolf and my mate. As soon as Cara reached me, Blaze flashed me a smile, signalling that he knew. And I knew that there was no way in hell that I could escape this pack or him now.

"Fuck me."

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