Help is needed

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Hi guys, I know, I know....

I'm pretty much an A--hole for posting this author note 😙😙😙

Anyway, does anybody know where can I publish my manga series where I get paid right after publishing? I kinda want it to be online manga. I mean if it's isn't online then.... I'm broke AF then, I don't have any budgets left at all. And I mean AT ALL.

I'm making a manga series along with my artist buddies, I'm the story writer and the illustrator, while my artist buddies redraw my art and... Yeah their probably the illustrator😐😐😐 I felt like the original work of 'one punch man' being redrawn by a Japanese artist...

Anyway, if anybody know a perfect and 0% budget needed website thingy, please PM me ASAP!

Thank yuuu

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