Chapter Two

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The next few games were a blur. Wins, losses, and then their big series in Baltimore. They won their first game. If they win their next one they clinch the American League East Division. But they got rained out.

"You know Josh Donaldson is in town when," Jose joked. He said it so fast I almost couldn't decipher what he was saying through his thick Dominican accent.

But no one laughed at his joke, because we'd all heard it so many times it wasn't funny anymore. Except Ryan. He always laughs at the stupid jokes. And they always pick on him for it.

"Ryan, are you ever gonna get laid buddy?" Troy said busting a gut.

"Oh haha you're just hilarious aren't you," Ryan replied with heavy sarcasm.

"But seriously bud, are you ever gonna get a girlfriend?"

"Yeah I am. I acually have an almost girlfriend at the moment. So just buzz off Troy," Ryan yelled and stormed out.

After he left Troy said, "Did you guys notice that his head turned the same colour as his face?"

The stupid bastard was talking about his bald head. Now this made my pregnant hormones jump off the edge of cliff, so my anger went with it. I still have no regrets.

"What the fuck is your problem! You guys always pick and make fun of him for not having a girlfriend and not committing to someone, but Jesus Christ maybe he doesn't want to commit right now, or maybe the right one hasn't came to him yet. But you guys need to stop being bullies. Because that's what you guys are being."

Yep not one single regret.

After my spiel I stormed out of the common room and over to the elevator. I punch in the four button and wait for the elevator to stop.

I pound down the hallway, and try to cool myself down before knocking on Ryan's door.

A disheveled Ryan answered the door and I asked if I could come in. He just extended his arm and I entered.

"Why are you here. Shouldn't you be down there snickering and make fun of me like the rest of them," he said when I sat down.

"Actually my pregnant hormones kicked in and I told them all off," I said then realized what I said. "Oh shit."

"You're pregnant?"

"Yeah. It's a surprise for later please don't tell anyone. I wasn't supposed to tell you. Oh god if Josh finds out that you know he'll be pissed."

He smiled. "It's alright I can keep a secret. And besides it'll be great to have another kid running around here in a couple years."

I smiled back. "Anyways are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. But I have a date tonight with a girl I met in university. And I need help with my outfit as weird as that may sound," he started grinning like a maniac just thinking about the girl.

"You really love her don't you," I told him.

"How can you tell?" He asked.

"You grinned like a maniac when you were talking about her. And you have that sparkle in your eye. I can only imagine how you look at her."

"Yeah I really do love Estelle."

"Estelle, what a pretty name. Do you have a picture of her?"

He dug out his phone and showed me a picture of a petite brunette with shocking blue eyes. She was gorgeous.

"Wow. She puts all blue eyed people to shame with those eyes," I remarked.

"Yeah, she's so beautiful and I couldn't ask for anyone better than her," he said with that big grin plastered on his face yet again.

"You go get ready I got the outfit under control," I told him,and he got up and walked to the bathroom and shut the door.

I got right to work, picking out a nice pair of dark Silver Jeans (from Jose's line of course) and a red plaid shirt. I was going to pick the khakis but khakis are so overrated now.

About twenty minutes later he came out of the bathroom but I don't know why it took him so long he has no hair.

"Is this what you want me to wear?" he asked.

"Yes, I personally wish Josh would wear outfits like this more often," I said laughing.

"Thanks for everything Lucy, I'm gonna get dressed and head out, but I'll let you know how everything goes because tonight I want to make things official," he said looking down at his feet, trying to hide his grin.

"Not a problem, I'm always here if you need to talk, and I'll try to keep my hormones in check," I said opening the door and walking down the hall, over to the elevator.

I punched in the three button and walked out of the elevator to the conference room they booked for a hang out room. And seven pairs of eyes stared me down as I walked over to the fridge and grab the onion chip dip. As I went to go grab my ketchup chips I noticed that all three bags were gone.

I turned and glared down all seven boys and noticed Troy and Josh chowing down on my ketchup chips.

I just walked over and grabbed the two closed bags, which earned a nasty comment from Troy, which really set me off.

"These are my chips, and I'm going to eat them in peace in my room watching stupid chick flicks. Alright?" I made sure to make the point that they were eating my chips.

"Whoa babe, calm down," Josh said getting up and trying to hug me.

"Please don't touch me." I said and walked over to the elevator once again, chips in hand, and went up to our hotel suite.

I knew Josh was going to follow me eventually, but he knew that when I'm mad like that all I really need is a hug. And maybe a cuddle or few.

And I was right, a few minutes later Josh appeared in the doorway, and then came and layed down beside me on the bed.

"Are you okay baby girl," he asked looking at me.

"Yeah, my hormones are just getting the best of me. I already hate being pregnant. What if I'm not going to be a good mother?"

"You'll be fine, I'll be here with you through every step of your pregnancy, you know that baby. And don't you even say that because you're going to be an amazing mother. I promise you. I couldn't have picked a better woman to be the mother of my children. I love you more than anything, and you will rock the whole parenting thing. I promise," he said looking into my eyes and making me cry.

"Awe baby don't cry," he said wiping my tears and kissing me softly on the lips.

"I love you," I told him kissing him again.

"I think we all know I love you more Lucy," he said laughing.

"Now we all know that's not true Mr. Sexy Pants," I said teasing him.

"Oh come on baby, I can't loose this argument again!" He whined kissing my neck.

"But I think we all know you're going to loose this argument again. Come on now I want to watch my movie," I said pushing him off of me.

I fixed my shirt and turned on Netflix. I ended up watching the Notebook, a classic cry-your-eyeballs-out movie. Which Josh secretly enjoyed, but he would never admit to that.

I binge ate my ketchup chips with the onion dip, while cuddling with Josh and crying my eyes out at the same time. Great night.

I eventually fell asleep towards the end of the movie in the arms of the love of my life.

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