Chapter Three

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I woke up in the middle of the night feeling very nauseous. Then I felt the bile at the back of my throat and I knew I was going to be sick.

I threw back the covers, and jumped out of the bed, running to the bathroom, and only making it just in time to empty my stomach of its contents.

I instantly regretted eating all of those ketchup chips. Damn my pregnant cravings.

I was startled by the bathroom light turning on, and Josh appearing at my side rubbing my back and holding my hair back for me.

"Oh sweetheart, are you alright?" he asked me gently.

"Yeah I think I'm okay now, but wholly that stinks," I said flushing the toilet.

"Let me carry you back to bed baby," he said picking me up and turning out the light.

"Drop me Josh and I'm going to have to hit you," I warned him. He just laughed and put me back onto the bed and covered me up with the blankets and then snuggled me until I fell asleep again.


I woke up again to Josh rapping, or should I say belting, the lyrics to Jordan Belfort.




I just sighed and rolled over and put a pillow over my head. And when he came out about twenty minutes later, I threw those pillows at him.

"You don't like my singing Lucy?" he pouted.

"No I don't like your screeching to all the lyrics!" I shouted.

"Awe Lucy don't be hateful today, it's double header day!" he yelled.

"If you guys win, are we announcing my pregnancy to the whole stadium?"

"Nope. If they interview me on TV, then we're going to announce it then," he told me coming over to me, lifting up my shirt and kissing my stomach.

"Alright," I replied smiling, "and you know that there's no baby bump yet right?"

"Oh I know, I'm just happy that my child is half me, and half of my soul mate," he smiled at me the way Ryan smiled about Estelle, and I love that smile.

Speaking of Estelle, I wondered how their date went last night, and I grabbed my phone and saw that I had five text messages from Ryan.

Ryan: She's 5 mins late... do I call her?
Ryan: Nvm she came
Ryan: When do you think is a good time to ask the question?
Ryan: I'm going to do after the main course

I think he was just a smidge nervous and excited at the same time.

I texted back my congratulations and my excitement and went to go shower myself.

I grabbed my Donaldson jersey and a pair of skinny jeans and head to the bathroom.

Josh cane up behind me and kissed the back of my neck, "Showering without me?"

I laughed, "Yes, you already showered you turkey."

"But I feel unclean, and I can't play good ball when I'm unclean," he whined.

"Then shower again after me. Simple as that," I said and pushed him out of the bathroom.

"But baby I want you to wash meeee," he continued.

"Maybe if you win, that'll be your reward," I said and winked.

I showered quickly and dressed quickly because I wanted to say goodbye to Josh before he left for warm up.

"Oh Joshy Poo, where are youuuuu?" I singsonged.

I seen him at the kitchenette making his pre game protien shake. I snuck up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Jesus Murphy!" He yelled. "Baby you scared the shit out of me right there."

"I know," I said laughing into his back. I loved the smell of him.

"I have to leave now, but I love you Lucy," Josh told me kissing me on the lips.

"I love you too Josh, go get em tiger," I said tipping his ball cap.

"I'm a blue jay not a tiger baby," he said winking as he shut the door.

I went to the bathroom to put on my makeup, considering I might be making a television appearance today, and straightened my hair so it would look good in my ball cap.

I sent a picture to Josh and he approved of the look, but I could have been wearing a paper bag and he would've approved of my look.

I was just putting on my perfume when there was a knock on the door. I dashed out to the door and opened it to a very excited looking Ryan, and who I recognize as Estelle.

"Hey Ryan, is this Estelle?"

"You bet! Estelle this is Lucy, she's newly engaged to Josh Donaldson, and Lucy this is Estelle, my girlfriend," he said with that adorable grin on his face again.

"Nice to meet you Estelle, please come in you guys, and pardon the mess, it's been a busy couple days here," I said extending my arm the same way Ryan did yesterday.

"So Lucy, I have to get to the stadium, do you mind of Estelle tags along with you?"

"No I don't mind at all! Besides if you're going to date a Blue Jay then you have to meet all of the wives and girlfriends of the players anyways, and here's a good place to start because I'm not crazy like the rest of them," Ryan shot me a look, then I added, "Okay fine I guess my hormones are a little out of wack right now because I'm pregnant, but it's a secret and you can't tell anyone. I accidentally told Ryan yesterday but that's because I was kinda really pissed off and it slipped out. But yeah you can come with me!"

Ryan kissed Estelle on the cheek and left, leaving just her and I and a void of awkward silence.

"So Estelle, I was in Ryan's room last night helping him out with something, and he was talking about you, and the smile that was on his face, oh my god it was priceless! He really really likes you," I told her, breaking the awkward silence.

Her face immediately brightened up when I told her this, "Really? I always wanted a guy to look at me like that, and now I do, oh my god I'm the luckiest girl alive!"

"Have you ever been to one of his ball games yet?" I asked.

"No, actually he never took me to see him," she said kinda sadly.

"Well, let me just tell you this one thing, if they win tonight, they clinch their division, and we're all going to go in the clubhouse and have a big ass party, with beer and cigars, it'll be great," I said mimicking Josh's words from the night we got engaged.

"Yeah I figured as much, Ryan kinda already explained everything, but just one thing, do you think I'll make him nervous?"

I thought about her question for a minuet. "You know what, I don't think you will because they know how badly they want October baseball, so they're gonna get their asses in gear and focus on the game and just take it one hit at a time. Trust me even I can't make Josh nervous."

She smiled her bright smile, and I grabbed my jacket, because it still wasn't exactly sunny here in Baltimore, and we left for the ball park.

The Slugger Stole My HeartHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin