Chapter Six

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I was so distracted during the ball game that I can't remember whether they won or lost, but I just wanted to hop on the bus and leave Baltimore.

I texted Josh and told him that I wasn't going to wait for him and that I was going to pack our bags.

I hailed a taxi and gave him the direct address to the hotel since I didn't have Josh with me, and nobody really recognized me as his girlfriend yet so I was fairly safe.

I paid the cabbie and decided to take my chance with the elevator, and pushed the three button and waited as the elevator went up to my floor.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the elevator doors opened to my floor.

I walked down to my suite and opened the door, because surprisingly enough I remembered the key today.

I grabbed our suitcase and started folding our clothes and putting them in the suitcase.

I then went to the bathroom and grabbed all of out toiletry items and my makeup, and then did a scan of the whole suite.

I then remembered our food in the fridge and stuffed it all in my purse. I even had time to mix myself the rest of the vanilla protein shakes.

I went over and turned on the television and layed down on the bed. I found a girly movie to watch.

Mean Girls takes the cake on my decision.


I woke up to someone shaking my shoulder. So I started swinging my arms so they would screw right off.

My hand did connect with something and I heard an 'oof' in its wake.

I opened my eyes to see Josh holding his eye. "Oh my god, Josh I'm so sorry, I-"

"Don't worry baby, I'm fine, it just hurts a little," he said wincing.

"Can I kiss it better?" I asked.

He nodded, so I clamored over to him and planted a gentle kiss on his eye.

"All better," he said kissing my cheek.

"Are you sure? It looks pretty red?" I said moving his hand away so I could inspect his eye.

It was really red and kind of puffy. I felt really bad.

"I'm so sorry baby," I said apologizing for the second time.

"Really it doesn't hurt that much anymore, don't worry about it, but we have to go, I came to tell you that we're checking out now. In a few odd hours, we'll be together in our bed again. And I have two days off to put the icing on the cake."

I smiled at him and got out of bed. I looked over at the clock and realized that I had been sleeping for well over three hours.

I grabbed our suitcase and my purse and went to the fridge to see if Josh drank my protein shake or not. And he didn't so I grabbed it for the bus ride back to Toronto.

I checked us out of the hotel and then we grabbed our seats on the bus and I grabbed my pillow and blanket that I always keep in the overhead compartment.

Josh put up our armrests and pulled me into his side, I put my headphones in and tuned out the world.


I woke up to a yelling sound on the bus.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"They're playing secret society games and they can't figure any of them out," Josh said into my hair.

"What the Johnny Woop one and the green glass door?"

"That's exactly the ones," he said.

"Oh I know them ones. They're easy," I said laughing.

"Well Roberto knows them and is getting them all wound up," he said sighing.

"I'm going to teach them a lesson or two on secret society games. And I know the pencil drop one too," I said standing up and walking over to the group.

"Alright, what seems to be the problem? You guys can't figure out the Johnny Woop one? That's like the easiest one!" I exclaimed.

I then did the game, and sat back crossing my arms. Finishing the game.

"Ah you do know it," Roberto commented.

"I know the green glass door one, and the one where you drop the pencils," I told him.

"I don't know the pencil one, you're going to have to show us when we get back to Toronto."

"Speaking of home, where are we?"

"Almost to the Ohio, West Virginia border," he told me.

I was only asleep for an hour and a half! I rolled my eyes.

"Still tired?" he asked.

"Yeah and I had a nap after the game too," I told him.

I said goodbye to all of them and went back to my seat to see Josh asleep, sprawled over our two seats.

I just chuckled and moved him off of my seat and put his head in my lap. He grunted a little but then fell back asleep.

I smiled and rested my hand on his chest, and nodded back off to sleep myself.


The third time that day that I was woken up, it was to the sound of an angry man yelling.

I then realized that the bus wasn't moving. I then seen the United States and Canada Customs sign.

Josh started to wake up and then he realized where he was. "Did I fall asleep?" he asked, still in a daze from his sleep.

"Yeah you did," I said smiling at him.

He cringed at the yelling going on, "What the fuck is going on?"

"I wish I could tell you. But I just woke up myself," I told him.

The yelling continued and I heard something about an illegal substance on the bus and my heart started racing.

"Did he just say what I think he did?" Josh whispered sitting up.

"Yeah," I said peeking over the seats to see who was in a heated argument with a customs officer.

My jaw almost hit the floor when I saw Estelle and Ryan getting searched by the customs officer.

But it was Ryan who looked absolutely livid at Estelle. I could only imagine what she tried to bring across the border.

"Wholly shit," I whispered to Josh.

He looked over the seat and looked at me in awe. "Whoa."

"What do you think she'd have?" I whispered.

"How do you know it's her?"

"Look how pissed off and betrayed Ryan looks. I'm pretty sure it's Estelle," I explained.

"Yeah you're right," he said never breaking gaze with the scene in front of us.

Then the two were escorted off the bus and we were cleared to go across the border.

"What about Ryan and Estelle?" I whispered to Josh.

"I guess they'll probably be arrested until someone bails them out," he told me then added, "If they can be bailed out."

"If they need to be bailed out, I'm doing it and they can pay me back," I told him.


"Yeah, you guys need him and maybe we can do it under the radar so the media doesn't find out," I told him. I was so bailing them out of jail.

Then my phone started ringing. It was a private number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Lucy, it's Ryan, I just got arrested if you didn't see the scene on the bus, but I'm allowed one call and I decided to call you because I was wondering if you would bail me out of jail?"

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