Chapter Nineteen

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It was late in February and we were still in Florida. Mostly because I was on bedrest, and partly because Lisa wouldn't let us leave.

Josh had turned our bedroom into a house in one room. A TV, the bathroom was already attached, a mini fridge beside the bed. It felt like home. Considering that I wasn't allowed to leave.

We had finished decorating the babies room a week after we bought all of the furniture.

Josh came into the room with a plate of supper for me.

"Thanks love," I said taking the plate.

"That was very British of you. Have you been watching Coronation Street?" He asked.

"Of course. Once you start watching it you can't stop!" I said taking a bite of the chicken Josh made me.

"Yeah well you should stop or else you'll be asking me for spots of tea soon enough," he warned taking a bite off of his chicken.

"Could I have a spot of- oh my god, oh my god," I said screaming in agony.

"What happened!?" Josh asked getting to his feet. "MA COME HERE! QUICK!"

"My water broke and now I'm having contractions," I said taking deep breaths.

"What's happening!?" Lisa asked coming over to the side of my bed.

"Her water just broke and she's having contractions, call an ambulance or something," Josh ordered.

"Oh don't be so silly we can drive her the hospital is like ten minutes away," Lisa said blowing him off.

"Just someone do something," I said through gritted teeth.

"Ma what do I do?" Josh asked frantically.

"Just sit there and hold her hand and tell her to take deep breaths," Lisa said grabbing my clothes and shoving them into a duffle bag.

Josh sat beside me and took my hand in his.

"Hey baby, just take some deep breaths okay? In through your nose, out through your mouth. In through your nose, out through your mouth," he kept repeating that until I calmed myself. Then another contraction hit.

I squeezed his hand hard. "Ah! It's okay baby. In through your nose out through your mouth," he said in pain as I squeezed his hand.

When the contraction passed, Josh carried me out to the car and drove like a madman to the hospital with Lisa in the backseat.

The doctors took me in right away, and I had to have a c-section.

Less than an hour later Josh and I heard the cries of our babies.

I started to cry and Josh did too.

"We did it baby," he said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah we did," I said as he snapped a picture of us. "Don't you dare put that on instagram."

"Too late," he said laughing.

@tos_bor20: Babies are delivered! Can't wait to meet my little munchkins!

Then the doctors brought me my babies. I held one on each arm as Josh snapped another picture.

@tos_bor20: Moma and her babies

"Look at them Josh. They're perfect," I cried.

"Yes they are baby, look what we made," he said leaning over my shoulder.

I handed him the babies and took his phone and snapped a picture of him. The look on his face was pure joy as he held his son and daughter.

Then the doctors took them and weighed them and they were each a healthy six pounds, despite being born almost three months early.

"They're perfectly healthy," the doctor said bringing them back to me once they settled me in my room.

I smiled as they put my daughter and son in my arms.

"Have we thought of names yet?" The doctor asked.

I looked at Josh and he shook his head. We never really talked about names.

The doctor left us and we started discussing names.

"James?" He asked.

"Too common. What about Miles?"

"I like Miles. Miles middle name Donaldson," he said laughing.

"How about Miles Joshua Donaldson," I said smiling.

"That's perfect," he said smiling.

"For a girl. Something that's not too common," I said pondering.

"Hadley?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh yes!" I exclaimed letting Josh take Miles.

"Now for a middle name," he said.

"Hadley Sara Donaldson," I said.

"I love it," he said coming over and kissing me.

He sat on my bed and he snapped another picture for instagram.

@tos_bor20: Everyone meet Miles Joshua Donaldson and Hadley Sara Donaldson. Moma and Papa are great and the babies are healthy! #hadleysara #milesjoshua #proudpapa

Then Lisa came in. "Oh my gosh look at my little grand babies!" She cried.

"Ma meet Hadley Sara Donaldson and Miles Joshua Donaldson," Josh said letting her hold Miles.

I held out Hadley and she was sitting with both babies crying tears of joy.

"They're so cute," she cooed.

"I think they look like Josh," I told her.

"Oh yes but they definitely have your nose. And thank god because the Donaldson nose is not one to be proud of," she said laughing.

"Thanks Ma," Josh said mockingly hurt.

Then Ryan appeared at the door.

"Hey Ryan," I said as he stepped in.

"Hey guys. Congrats on two beautiful babies," he said holding out his phone.

"You seen my instagram?" Josh asked and Ryan nodded.

Lisa handed him the babies and he smiled down at both of them.

"They're both so adorable," he told us.

"Thanks Ry," I said smiling.

Danyll and Amanda came in with Troy and Kevin in tow.

"Oh my gosh they're precious!" They squealed taking the babies from Ryan.

"Names?" The guys asked.

"Hadley Sara and Miles Joshua," I told them.

"Awe their names are so perfect," Amanda said switching babies with Danyll.

They held the babies for a minute then let Kevin and Troy hold them.

"How com you guys are still in Florida?" I asked them all.

"We knew that the babies would be born in the near future so we stayed nearby for when they were," Danyll told me.

"So you guys literally stayed so you guys could be here when the kids were born?" I said as Kevin brought me Miles.

"Yeah basically," Amanda said.

"You guys are the best," I said as they came and gave me a hug.

"Oh we know," they said in sync.

Troy came and handed me Miles, and I couldn't help but think of how perfect my family is.

A/N: Hey guys! So I leave for Alberta in like 11 hours so this will be the last update until I come back on the 17th! Sorry guys!

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