Chapter Four

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It took us twenty minutes to get through the lines, and to get to our quality almost dugout side seats.

"Alright, here's a little lesson," I began, "Just because we're right beside the dugout, we are not allowed to talk to our amazing boyfriends, because I already got that lecture from Gibby, and Josh, so just a fair warning so you don't get yelled at like me."

She looked at me kind of puzzled for a moment, then said, "Yeah I kinda figured as much, I don't want to sike him out, I'm already nervous that he'll get nervous because I'm watching him."

"I felt that way in university when I first started watching Josh too, but he turned out fine, and Ryan will too," I told her.

She nodded and smiled, and then the ball game started.

And my god did it ever keep us on the edge of our seats! But they ended up winning.

I jumped up out of my seat and ran onto the field. Josh ran over to me and envoloped me in a giant bear hug.

"I'm so proud of you!" I told him.

"Thanks baby, come on they're going to interview me, and we can make our announcement!" He said excitedly. And sure enough a reporter came over and started asking questions.

"Josh, how do you feel about making it into the playoffs?" The reporter asked.

"You know, it feels great, and we have a great ball club, and I think we'll make it far," he said looking back and forth at the reporter and me.

"That's great thank you Josh for your time," she said and started to walk away, but Josh wasn't done.

"Wait! I have an announcement to make," he shouted, and the reporter and camera crew came back.

"Josh Donaldson has an announcement to make," she said into the camera.

"Yes my beautiful fiancé and I have an announcement to make," he started.

"I'm pregnant!" I said into the camera. I heard a chorus of cheers around me, and then realized that they put us on the jumbo screen, and the whole team was behind us.

Danyll came running at me and threw her arms around me and yelled, "I knew it! I knew it! I knew you were pregnant! I just knew it!"

"Yes you definitely guessed it the night I got engaged when you asked if I was feeling alright," I told her.

She squealed with delight and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Josh appeared back at my side and put his arm around my waist.

"Come on baby, we are going to celebrate!" he said dragging me towards the dugout.

All of the guys got a cigar, and they all posed for a picture, with their playoff hats and t-shirts on.

Then there was a half hour break before the second game of the double header began, so we all went in the clubhouse, to have a small celebration before the big one after the last game.

Amanda came striding over, and gave me a hug. "I can't believe you're pregnant! I'm so happy for you! You and Josh are going to be great parents, I can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy!"

"Thank you Amanda, it means a lot," I told her sending a warm smile.

Then Troy approached me, and I held my breath because the last time I saw him, I bitched his head off.

"Congratulations, and now I know why you have been so moody latley," he said chuckling.

"Oh hardy har har. You're just so funny," I said with intense irony. "But thank you Troy, and sorry for being such a bitch latley, I have to get my emotions under control," I added laughing.

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