Chapter Twenty Three

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They guys dropped the first game of three to the Sox. And the amount of Expos jerseys was remarkable. The Jays may be Canada's team, but the Expos are far from forgotten.

Josh texted me and told me to bring the kids down to the clubhouse so I started walking down the stairs with two car seats with two sleeping children in them.

Josh met me half way and took both car seats.

"Thank you," I said trying to catch my breath.

"I thought you said you've been working out," he asked noticing my out of breathness.

"I have but my workout does not entail walking down several flights of stairs with two twenty pound car seats. It does entail walking on the tread climber and walking around the block pushing the kids in their stroller but not this," I told him.

"Well you should start because they're only gonna get heavier," he said before pushing the clubhouse door open.

All of the guys greeted me with open arms, but most went for the babies because they've never met Hadley and Miles yet.

"Josh never shuts up about you and these kids," Russell told me.

"He's a little proud eh?" I said.

"Just a smidge," he laughed.

The younger players like Marcus, Aaron and Roberto didn't know what to think of the two kids. They just kind of stared for a few minutes, then Marcus came over and sked if he could hold Miles.

Of course I said yes, because I'm not mean.

"Are you gonna be a baseball player like your daddy?" Marcus asked the sleeping infant. "Oh I think you will be. We'll all call you Jr., even though your name isn't Josh. And you're going to be MVP like your daddy too," he continued. And I couldn't help but smile. He seemed to be a natural with kids.

John came over and picked up Hadley. He looked down at her and smiled.

"She's cute kid," he said clapping Josh on the shoulder. "And she looks just like you too."

"Thanks Gibbs," Josh said, a huge smile coming over his face.

Then I seen John hand Hadley over to Roberto and my heart swelled. The look on Roberto's face when he held Hadley, it was priceless. He genuinely seemed to like kids despite seeming nervous or scared earlier.

"Hey Lucy! Anytime you need a sitter, you can hit me and Stro up," Roberto called.

"Sure thing, but I already promised Amanda and Kevin tonight," I said smiling.

He smiled and handed Hadley over to Marco. Marco smiled at my little girl and it warmed my heart. I could trust my kids with anyone in this room.

Marcus was still sitting with Miles talking to him. He was awake now and was just staring at Marcus. It was adorable. But eventually Michael came over and asked if he could hold Miles so he unwillingly handed him over to Michael.

I swear tears were pooling in Michael's eyes he as so happy to be holding Miles.

I scanned the room for Hadley and seen her sitting with Edwin. I smiled and sat down at Josh's cubby. I was wearing my Donaldson jersey, the smaller one, and leggings. Being pregnant and gaining all that weight has been generous on my derriere.

"Wholly crap, Lucy you look amazing!" Amanda hollered as she entered the clubhouse.

"Thanks!" I said as she embraced me in a hug.

"Where are the babies?" She asked.

"Hadley is with Marco and Miles is with Michael," I said scanning the room to make sure.

"Oh alright, how's the love life been treating you?" She asked randomly.

"Good, but I've been in Toronto all spring training so today is the first time I've seen Josh since like March. And I only seen him on my birthday because he came up after the game," I told her.

"Awe family reunion," she gushed.

I seen Ryan walking towards me in my peripheral vision with a crying baby. I turned around and seen Miles screaming his head off.

"I think he needs a diaper change?" Ryan said over the screaming of the baby.

"Thanks Ry," I said taking Miles.

Josh came over and took him from me, "I got this, where's the diapers?"

"Right here," I said handing him the bag.

Cradling Miles with one arm and the diaper bag in the other, he walked into the bathroom and I just couldn't help but think of all the disgusting germs on the floor.

And foot germs at that too. Like athlete's foot much.

I tried not to think of it as I seen Ryan playing with Hadley. He would make such a great father.

I want him to be the god father for my kids. But I have to ask Josh first.

Josh came out with a non screaming Miles and handed him off to J.A. He gladly took Miles and went and sat down with the now happy baby.

Josh walked over and I told him my thoughts.

"I totally agree with you. Do you want to ask him now?" He asked.

"Absolutely!" I exclaimed and walked over to where Ryan was sitting.

"Is my time up?" He asked when I sat next to him.

"No, I came to ask you something that's kind of really important."

"Sure. Shoot," he told me.

"Would you like to be the god father of Miles and Hadley? I thought of it when I seen how good you were being with Hadley, you don't have to say yes I just wanted to ask you," I told him seeing how happy my kids made him.

"Really? You want me to be the god father? I would love to be the god father! I love these kids," he said, his whole face lighting up.

"I'm glad to hear that, I'm sure the kids will call you Uncle Ryan by the time they get older. I'm not exactly close to my half sisters or my mother so you'd be the only 'uncle figure' they'd have," I told him.

"I'm would be my honor to be Uncle Ryan," he said grinning.

Jason, who was sitting beside him asked to hold Hadley, and Ryan unwillingly gave her to him.

"Don't worry Ry, you'll be seeing lots of them kids in the future so don't worry, take turns," I joked.

"Alright momma," he said laughing.

I stood up and did a Miles scouting. I seen him still with J.A.

I smiled. The kids were like family to the guys already. My heart swelled with joy and pride.

I sat back down beside Ryan, when someone walked into the clubhouse. It was someone I didn't think I was ever going to see again. And I think Ryan felt the same way.


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