Chapter Twenty

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I was allowed to go home with the babies in two days, and I had to come back in a few days to get my stitches removed from my c-section.

Josh and I put the babies in their car seats and we both took a picture. These kids were my whole world.

Josh drove us home as he held my hand. We were officially parents. The thought was exhilarating. But nerve wracking at the same time.

When we got home, Lisa videotaped us bring Hadley and Miles into the house. It was quite sweet.

After I put them down I their cribs, Josh and I just stood there, looking at our beautiful kids.


I woke up to crying coming from the baby monitor. I sighed and got out of bed and padded down the hall to a crying Hadley and a most likely soon to be crying Miles.

I picked the baby up and soothed her. Rocking her back and forth, back and forth.

Then once she was calm, I checked on Miles. He was still sound asleep. Then Hadley started crying again.

I went over, picked the crying child up out of her crib and sat down in the rocking chair with her, and I nursed her.

Then Josh appeared in the doorway.

"Everything okay in here?" He asked running his eyes.

"Should be now, little miss Hadley was a little bit hungry," I whispered, careful not to wake Miles.

"Alright," he said walking over and he kissed the top of my head before heading back to bed.

Once Hadley fell asleep, I out her back in her crib and went and curled up with Josh and fell asleep almost instantly.


When Spring Training rolled around in March, I knew I was going to do most of the parenting by myself.

"Have fun at spring training," I said to Josh as I changed Miles' diaper.

"Thank you baby, I will," he said pecking me on the lips.

Josh was headed to Dunedin for Spring Training and I was staying in Pensacola with Lisa.

"Call me everyday, okay?"

"I will baby. I promise," he said wrapping me into a hug.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he said bringing his lips to mine. "And goodbye to my favourite son Miles and my favourite daughter Hadley," he added picking up both kids who were now almost one month old. "Daddy loves you very much. Behave for mommy and don't give her a hard time," he told the kids.

I just stood there and smiled. Josh was so totally cute with the kids. It makes my heart melt.

He gave me one last hug and he was on his way to Dunedin.

I cried after he left. And so did Hadley because she was daddy's little girl. How much longer until spring training was over?

Lisa and I decided a couple of weeks ago to surprise Josh by the kids and I moving back to Toronto and setting up there before the regular season starts.

Lisa is coming with me to help out. She is the best mother in law ever.

As soon as Josh left and I finished crying, Lisa and I packed almost everything because we were leaving in the morning. We were driving again.

Lisa packed the kids up and I packed Josh and I's clothes. I felt bad for him if he came back for something.

Then Lisa and I hit the road. I let her drive first because she knew her way around Florida better than I did.

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