Chapter Twenty Four

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What the hell was Estelle doing here? How did she get here is the bigger question.

The whole room went quiet. She stepped fully into the room and I felt Ryan tense up beside me.

"Estelle, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"I came to pick up where I left off," she said batting her eyelashes at Ryan.

"I don't think so," he said through clenched teeth.

"I think it's best if you leave," I said standing up and walking over to her.

"I have every right to be here, like you do," she sneered.

"Nope. Sorry but nobody gave you permission to be here," I said guiding her out the door.

"Get your hands off of me you bitch!" She yelled.

I just let her insults slide off me like water. I shut the door and slid the bolts home so she couldn't get back in.

"Where the hell did she come from?" I asked.

"I thought she was in jail," Ryan said with a blank stare on his face.

"Me too," I said looking at my feet.

"Why was she in jail?" Gibbons asked.

"Remember last season when we were coming back from Baltimore after clinching the division?" John nodded. "Well remember when we were crossing the border and she got searched?" He nodded again. "Well she had cocaine and other illegal substances with her and she got arrested. I didn't know how long she was getting locked up for, but I didn't care. And I didn't expect her to come crawling back," Ryan said staring at the floor.

"I remember that!" Josh exclaimed shooting me a look.

But everyone shot Josh confused looks as to why he seemed so excited about it.

"I also remember getting in a huge fight with Lucy, and then the next morning she made me cinnamon buns," he said which kind of pissed me off. Not everyone needed to know when we fought.

I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest and glared at him. Why would he say that?

He seemed to notice my hard glare and started to squirm.

"You make cinnamon buns?" Michael asked.

I laughed. "Yeah I do."

"Are they good?" He asked Josh.

"They're the best. It's her grandmother's recipe too," he told him.

"You should make us some sometime," he said almost drooling.

I laughed and agreed. I then handed Amanda the diaper bag and the car seats and told her to have fun.

"Call me if you need anything," I said smiling.

"I will," she said returning the smile.

I grabbed Josh and we left. But not before saying goodbye to the babies.

This was the first time that I had gone out since the kids were born. Ugh I didn't want to leave them. But I had to get out.

Josh drove us back to our apartment and I went to the bathroom to get ready.

Josh opened the door and handed me a little black dress.

"Josh, I wouldn't have fit into that when I was twenty," I tell him.

"At least try it?" He asked.

I groaned and shooed him out and put the dress on. Or at least tried. The damn thing wouldn't go up past my butt.

I walked out of the bathroom with the dress on up to my butt, and stood there with my hands on my hips.

"Damn do you ever look good," Josh said whistling.

"Yes totally, with this dress up to my ass and no shirt on," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"No, I mean look at your body. You look amazing! I'd say that diet and exercise has been working for you," he said, his eyes scanning me.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let's find something I can fit into," I said slipping the dress off.

I walked over to my suitcase and found a sleek red dress. Skin tight with an open back.

I slipped it on and I thought Josh's eyes were going to bug right out of his head.

"Wholly. Luce, you look amazing," he breathed.

"Thank you," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

But apparently Josh was a little excited. I blushed and laughed into his shoulder.

"What? You think you can get away with looking this good?" He asked.

"I guess I can't," I teased.

"Let's just screw dinner, and stay here," he whispered.

"But I'm hungry," I whined.

"Me too, for you," he said before his lips crashed into mine.

He pulled the zippee down on my dress and layed me down on the bed.

I undid the buttons of his shirt and slid it off.

He stopped kissing me and looked at me. His eyes were full of want. Need.

I loosened his belt and slid it off. Then I undid the button on his pants and he kicked them off.

Then he started placing kisses on my neck. And when he found my sweet spot I moaned.

And I think you guys know what happened next.


A few hours later Josh and I went to go get Miles and Hadley.

We walked hand in hand to Kevin and Amanda's suite which was the other end of the hall from ours.

I knocked on the door and Kevin answered, holding a screaming Hadley.

Josh immediately took Hadley and she stopped crying. The look on Kevin's face was priceless.

"How do you do that?" He asked.

"She's daddy's girl," Josh said as Kevin let us in.

Amanda was sitting on the sofa cradling a sleeping Miles. I smiled. I couldn't wait for her to be a mom.

"Hey," I whispered.

"Oh, hey!" She said adjusting her hold on Miles.

"How we're they? I know Hadley was just screaming her head off," I said.

"They were good, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without Kevin. I don't know how you do it," she whispered.

"Me either most days," I admitted.

Amanda handed me Miles and I set him in his car seat. There was no point in me holding him.

Josh got Hadley to go to sleep and he set her in her seat. We then said our goodbyes and left.

We got back to our room and Josh and I crashed. I guess being lazy makes you tired.

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