Chapter Ten

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It was now October and game one of the American League Division Series started tonight and Josh's mother was coming for the game.

My stomach had grown quite a bit since my first check up. I am border line starting to have to buy maternity pants. I really don't want to do that.

I was now almost done my first trimester, but to anyone who didn't know I was having twins, I looked pretty big.

"When is your mom coming?" I asked Josh for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Twelve o'clock, I've told you this like three times!" He said starting to get slightly exasperated with me.

I glanced at the clock. It was eleven thirty and I was starting to get nervous.

I went to the bathroom to check my makeup, and when I leaned into the mirror I banged my stomach off the counter. I was going to have to get used to that.

I fixed the sundress that I had on, and pulled my hair back into a bun. Then Josh came barging in.

"She's here," he said a little out of breath.

I had butterflies in my stomach as I stepped out to see a very excited looking Lisa French.

"You're pregnant!" She exclaimed coming over and hugging me.

"Yes I'm almost done my first trimester," I said allowing her to touch my stomach.

"Aren't you a little big for your first trimester?" She said looking confused.

"There's two babies in my stomach," I said, and the look on her face was priceless.

"Joshua Adam Donaldson, you are one very lucky man," she said looking at her son.

"Ma we're engaged too," Josh said grabbing my hand and showing her the ring.

"Oh my god I just love you guys so much," she said pulling us both into a hug.

And I loved her a lot too. She is basically my mother.

"Have you two got anymore surprises up your sleeves?" she asked quirking an eyebrow at us.

"No, but I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, we're finding out the gender or genders of our babies, and you are more than welcome to join us," I told her.

"I wouldn't want to miss it!" She exclaimed.

I smiled warmly at her. I offered her a fresh cinnamon bun, because I made a new batch.

"How can I resist your cinnamon buns?" She said taking one off the pan. "Ooh they're still warm!"

Josh grabbed one off the pan too and ate it in thirty seconds flat.

"Well I fell good knowing that my boy isn't going hungry around here," she said taking another bite off the bun.

"Nope and now the cupboards are fuller than ever because she seems to have a hollow leg," Josh added.

"Well a pregnant woman has to eat Josh," his mother stated glaring at him.

"I know Ma," he said grabbing another bun.

But before he could his mother slapped his hand away.

"Not before a playoff game," she said.

"But Ma the game is at seven tonight!" He whined.

I loved it when Lisa visited. She is such a warm, but stern, person and she's sure to keep us all in check when she's around.

"Son, what does no mean?"

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