Chapter Five

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I woke with a start. The elevator was moving, finally after I don't know how long.

I gently shook Josh awake, just as the doors slid open to our floor and people milled in the elevator all around us.

I pulled him out the doors just as they started to close on us. I held his hand as we walked down the hall to our room.

I then realized that I left my key on the bedside table.

"Do you have a key?" I asked Josh.

"Um no, I thought you had it," he said.

"Fuck sakes!" I said.

"Whoa babe don't get mad at me because you were supposed to bring the key card, so don't be all fuck sakes at me," he said raising his voice at me.

He never raises his voice at me. It kind of hurts when the person you love raises their voice at you.

My head started spinning, and I could feel the tears coming, so I had to leave.

I pushed past Josh and practically ran to the elevator. But I didn't want to take the chance that it was going to get stuck again, so I opted for the stairs.

I took them two at a time up to the fourth floor and marched down to room 412 and knocked on the door.

A pissed off looking Ryan answered the door, but the look disappeared when he saw my tear stained face.

"I need a place to stay tonight," I barely got out before I let out a huge sob.

"Yes come on in, you can sleep on the other bed, are you going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just need a place to stay tonight," I told him.

He moved to let me in and I took off my shoes and jacket and slipped under the covers of the bed.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3:30am, which meant that Josh and I had been in the elevator for over two hours.

I eventually fell asleep, but was woken up way too soon.

"Lucy there's someone at the door for you," Ryan said shaking my shoulders slightly.

"If it's Josh, tell him that I don't want to talk right now."

"Lucy, baby, come on were going back to our room," Josh said scooping me up out of bed and down to the elevator.

"Josh, put me down," I whined. "Josh come on I can walk by myself, I'm not a baby."

"No you're not, but you'll just run away if I put you down," he told me. And I can't say that he's wrong.

So I started squirming and wiggling until he put me down.

"There happy?" He said


And we kept walking to the elevator.

"I'm not getting in that," I told him.

"Nobody said you had too, go ahead take the stairs but I'll be in he room when you get there," he said and walked into the elevator.

I walked slowly down the stairs, just so I wouldn't have to face him sooner. But there was only so many stairs, and only so long I could take.

I shuffled slowly down the hall, encountering the same cleaning man twice, because I was walking so slow.

I eventually reached my door and tried the handle even though I knew it was locked. I knocked ever so lightly so he wouldn't hear me, but I was wrong because the door swung open right in my face with Josh standing on the other side.

I went to walk past him but he grabbed me and pulled me in a hug.

"I'm sorry for blaming you for forgetting the key last night, I should never have raised my voice at you baby, I'm so so sorry, nobody should talk to the person they love the way I talked to you, and I completely understand why you hate me right now, but I just wanted to apologize for my actions."

"I don't hate you, I'm just upset. I know you raised your voice at me, but I shouldn't have run away from you either. Even if I was just a floor above you, when we get married we can't run away from our problems. So I'm sorry too, for forgetting the key, and for running away when we should've just talked it out," I told him.

He leaned in and kissed me softly, and I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

I broke the kiss and went to go shower. But Josh followed right behind me, "You promised yesterday if we won that'd be my reward."

"I guess I did promise that didn't I," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the bathroom behind me and shutting and locking the door.

I grabbed his t-shirt and flung it over his head, and he did the same to me. He even unclasped my bra for me, what a gentleman.

I went to turn on the water and Josh came up behind me, undoing my pants for me, and I turned around and pulled his pajama pants down for him.

I ended up pulling my own pants down because they were skinny jeans and we all know how hard it is for a girl to get out of her favourite pair of skinny jeans.

We jumped into the steamy water, and Josh pulled me against him kissing me hard and passionately.

I grabbed the soap and poured some in my hands and slathered it all over Josh's chest.

"How's that hangover?" I asked him.

"Oh it's coming along, I took a couple of aspirin to get rid of my headache, and I might have to take a couple more in the dugout, but I'm going to have to be super careful because everyone will probably think it's steroids," he told me.

"Yeah steroids alright," I said, starting to wash his hair.

I could feel his eyes staring at me as I scrubbed at his hair. I moved him underneath the stream of water and warned him to close his eyes.

I scrubbed all of the soap out of his hair, and then he whispered in my ear, "My turn."

And to be completely honest, I wish Josh would wash my hair everyday. He's so gentle and gives the best scalp massages, he could be a professional if he wanted to be.

"You're really good at this," I told him.

"Well I try," he said smiling.

I turned off the tap and grabbed my towel and hopped out of the tub. I wandered into our hotel room to grab my clothes.

I grabbed my leggings and Donaldson jersey and went back into the bathroom.

I quietly dropped my towel and flung my clothes on before Josh turned around.

"Awe come on baby you ruined all the fun right there, maybe I wanted to dress you as quick as I undressed you," he whined winking at me.

"Oh get over yourself," I told him rolling my eyes.

"Well I gotta make my shake and shake on outta here, so if you aren't out of here by the time I leave I love you, and your body looks amazing too," he said winking yet again, then kissing me goodbye.

I stuck my hands in his back pockets and smiled at him. "Good luck baby, and just think about this, this body won't last forever!" I kissed him again and began brushing my hair.

It only took me about a half hour to get ready because I just left my hair wavy. And I only went with a simple makeup scheme today because I didn't plan on making a television appearance today.

I brushed my teeth quickly and grabbed an apple on my way out the door, and headed to the ball park.

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