Chapter Twenty Five

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It was July and also Canada Day. And the guys were playing the red hot Cleveland Indians.

The Indians took an early one to nothing lead, which we soon tied.

But after nine innings, the game was still tied. So we went to extra innings.

But both teams were solid. Nobody was going to score runs on these two teams.

It wasn't until the eighteenth inning that I laughed. Ryan was coming out to pitch. I couldn't believe it!

And he didn't let any runs score! Ryan Goins for the Cy Young Award!

But the Jays didn't score any runs either. So a nineteenth inning was required. And Darwin Barney was pitching.

But sadly he gave up a home run and the guys couldn't catch up so after nineteen innings and six hours, the game was over.

I picked up the kids car seats and headed home because I was starving. And tired. But mostly hungry.

I ended up making myself a very delicious beer burger.

Josh didn't come home until the middle of the night. I thought that was weird.

"Where were you?" I asked in my sleepy daze.

"Just having a few drinks with the guys," he said as he rolled away from me.

Yeah just a few drinks with the guys.


Josh was picked as an all-star which meant that we got to go to San Diego.

It was great fun and the American League won so that was a bonus to the whole trip!

Before the all-star break John announced to the guys that they were getting a new assistant manager.

A woman too.

It made me happy that they were hiring a woman. Girl power!

And Michael is marrying the love of his life, Jessica.  I was very happy and excited for him.

But my marriage seemed to be going downhill. Every night Josh kept coming home later and later. It was making me quite mad.

It seems like he's never here anymore. I don't want a relationship like this. It makes me sad because I love Josh.

I remember at Michael's wedding, Josh and I hardly talked. It was pathetic. He was growing more and more distant with me.

Then the night of the party for the new assistant manager, we got in a fight.


"Josh, we need to talk, and it can't wait," I said to him.

He sighed and sat down on our bed.

"Josh, what are we doing? We hardly even talk anymore. You stay out late and I never see you. I miss my husband. My best friend. My-"

"Look, I didn't want to tell you this, but, it's only fair. I've been out doing bad things. Taking drugs, drinking a lot. Going to strip clubs. Having fun," he interrupted.

"Josh! Why? Why go out and take drugs and get drunk. I'm just going to pretend that you didn't say that and this never happened. You play baseball and you are an all-star and the MVP. You don't do drugs or get dunk almost every night. You don't go to strip clubs. You-"

"Lucy stop! Listen. I'm sorry, but I just feel like this marriage is tying me down. I just want to be a free spirit party animal-"

"Then go. Go to that party tonight and get so fucking hammered that you can hardly even walk. Go take every freaking drug known to man and maybe, if you're lucky, get lucky with a prostitute with every STI known to man. Get out," I yelled.

He left and didn't come back that night.


I called my dad to come to Toronto to take the babies with him back to Florida. I needed to sort out my marriage.

"Thanks dad," I said before I started crying.

"Not a problem Luce, I'm sure Louise is excited back at home. Take as long as you need," he told me, wrapping me in a hug.

"Alright," I said as a tear slipped down my face.

"See you Lucy, I love you," dad said as he left, taking Hadley and Miles with him.

About an hour later Josh came home.

"Where's the kids?" He asked.

"With my dad," I told him looking at my feet.

"Like in Florida?" He asked astonished.

"On their way there," I said.


"Because Josh, we need to sort a few things out in our marriage. We can't just keep skirting around our problems," I explained.

"You're right. Let's talk."

We went and sat down in the living room. Josh took my hand in his.

"I'm sorry," was all he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"For staying out late and for coming home drunk or pretty much drunk or high and for going to the strip clubs. I'm sorry Luce, I don't know what's gotten into me. I'm sorry because I love you and our kids more than anything. I really do, and I'm sorry I haven't been showing it lately."

"Josh, I don't want you to be going out late anymore. I don't want you going to the strip clubs," I told him.

"I understand," he nodded.

Then there was a knock on the door. I went and answered it, and a woman with hardly anything on was standing there.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Is Josh home?" She asked with a sickeningly sweet voice.

"No he's not," I said then slammed the door.

"Who was that Luce?" Josh asked when I stormed into the living room.

"I'd say one of the whores you slept with," I snapped.

"Whoa whoa whoa, I didn't sleep with anyone," he defended.

"That you remember," I said under my breath.

"What did you just say?" He asked.

"That you remember," I said louder this time.

"Lucy, I didn't sleep with anyone. I promise you that much. I really do promise you," he pleaded.

"Well all the signs are pointing the other way. Maybe we just need a few days apart to clear our heads," I suggested.

"No. I'm not letting you walk out," Josh told me.

"But it's okay for you to be out all hours of the night doing fuck knows what," I yelled.

He sighed in exasperation and left.

"Yeah just leave why don't you!" I yelled after him. "Leave like you always do," I whispered.

Josh didn't come back that night.

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