Chapter Nine

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When I walked into the doctors office with Josh, I felt like throwing up. I was so scared. And I don't know why I was scared. It was just a doctor's appointment.

We sat down and Josh grabbed my hand and started rubbing his thumb in circles over the back of my hand. It sort of calmed me down.

"Are you nervous?" He whispered.

"Yeah," I said meeting his gaze.

"Don't be, you'll be fine. And I'm right here with you," he reassured me.

A few minutes later the doctor came out and called my name. I slowly got up and walked over, and followed the doctor to his office.

"Hello Lucy I'm Dr. Michael James and I'll be examining you today," he introduced himself.

I just smiled because I didn't want to talk really. And he kind of scared me.

He asked me to take a urine sample and I was glad because I really did have to pee.

"This is so we can trace the pregnant hormones in your urine to determine that you are indeed pregnant," he told me.

He came back a few minutes later and told me that I was indeed pregnant. And that he was going to be doing an ultrasound to kind of see how far along I was.

The gel was cool on my stomach so I winced.

"Are you hurting her?" Josh asked.

"No Josh the gel is just really cold," I told him smiling. Sometimes he could be really overprotective of me.

Doctor James then put the machine on my stomach and I could see the an extremely small head and body. But it didn't have any arms or legs yet.

"There's your baby," he announced. "It looks like you're about five weeks, so morning sickness will continue until you're done your first trimester."

And I started crying because I was so overjoyed that I could see my baby. Josh came over and held my hand too.

Doctor James then moved the machine to the other side of my stomach and he instantly paled.

"Uhm Doctor? What seems to be the problem?" Josh asked tentatively.

He moved the machine to the top of my stomach and what I saw almost made me faint.


Doctor James sent me home with a picture of my ultrasound to show people my babies.

Yes that's right babies. I'm having twins. There are two little babies inside of me.

The drive home in the taxi was awkwardly silent. I didn't know what to say and I don't think Josh did either.

I just kept looking at the picture of the two itsy bitsy heads in my stomach. I just couldn't believe it. Neither could my tear ducts because they were apparently excited. Which meant I cried silently the whole drive home.

We then walked the block to the apartment building and then the doorman asked if I was okay.

"Yes George I'm okay. I'm great actually," I said smiling.

That was when Josh looked at my tear stained face and grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

We walked over to the elevator and he pushed the third floor button.

"Oh I really don't want to see them today-"

"We're telling them okay? I'm just so excited I just have to tell them and I want you there too," he said smiling at me

"Alright, but only because you made me," I said poking his belly. Or should I say abs?

"Actually you go I'll be down in a sec," he said as the doors opened and I walked out.

I glared at him but wasn't all that mad because Amanda and Danyll were sitting in front of the TV watching The Bachelor of all things.

I walked over and sat beside Amanda who automatically asked me what was wrong.

I just smiled and handed her the ultrasound picture.

"Oh my god!" She yelled. "No freaking way! That is amazing!"

"What's going on?" Danyll asked. Amanda just handed her the picture. And she just did a squeal scream thing which grabbed the attention of just about everyone else in the room.

Everyone just kind of stared at us like we were stupid or something. The the elevator dinged and Josh came walking out and looked at everyone staring at us three women.

"Oh did you tell them without me?" He said breaking the awkward silence.

"Nope just these two," I said still in an intense staring match with everyone in the room.

"Oh. Then why the huge staring match between everyone," he asked.

"Oh just because we can," I said quirking an eyebrow at Jose who was very intent on winning the staring competition

"Well how about this, I have an announcement to make!" Josh said shifting the attention to himself.

I stood up and went with him, and he nodded at me to make the announcement.

"We're having twins!" I said holding out the picture of the ultrasound.


Amanda and Danyll decided to throw Josh and I a party. And while they decorated the common room I went to call my dad.


"Hi dad it's me again," I said into the speaker.

"How did your appointment go?" He asked.

"Well, I'm having twins," I told him.

"Wow! That's great! Did you want to tell Louise?"

Louise is my step mother. And she's basically my mother.

"Yes absolutely!"

"Just one sec," he said setting g the phone down on the counter.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hi Louise!" I said. She always made me happy.

"Hi Lucy! Your dad said you wanted to tell me something?"

"Yes, Josh and I got engaged, and I'm pregnant. With twins," I told her.

"Oh my gosh I'm so happy for you! I'm happy that young man finally asked you for his hand in marriage!" She exclaimed.

"That's what dad said too!"

"Well I suppose I should let you go, it was nice talking to you! You should come visit us sometime down here in Florida!" She said not forgetting to mention her new vacation home in Florida.

"It was nice talking to you too, and I'll see if I can get down before I'm too pregnant to do anything!"

"Bye Lucy!"

"Bye Louise," I said as she clicked off.

"Who was that?" Josh asked.

"My dad and step mom," I told him.

"Alright, they're ready for you in the common room. And FYI they have some ridiculous mom to be shit for you to put on," he said rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on be a good sport," I said punching his arm playfully.

He grabbed my hand and we walked to the common room to celebrate our babies.

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