Chapter 17 | selfless

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McKayla's POV:

"Are you sure you feel okay?" His mom asks trying to get him out of racing today. With everything that happened yesterday, most of us don't think Ryan should be driving today. Even the doctor encouraged him not to race. "It's the 600. It's a long race, and I don't think you should be racing today." Lisa continues.

"Mom, I know you're worried about me, but I'm fine. I'm feeling better than I did yesterday. I feel good enough to do the 600." Ryan replies.

You gotta admit Ryan was strong-headed when it came to his health vs racing. I finished up my late lunch and placed it in the sink. I walked back towards the bedroom and grabbed my clothes for the day.

"Isn't someone looking all fancy today." Ryan compliments as I finished up my hair. Ryan comes up behind me in front of the mirror and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Thought I'd wear something different today." I shrugged. Ryan nods and kisses my cheek. "Are you almost ready to go?" I asked grabbed my phone off the charger. I really didn't think Ryan should be racing today after everything that happened yesterday.

"Yep," Ryan replies grabbing his phone. I grabbed my lanyard, as Ryan and I walked out. On our way towards the garages, Ryan stops and takes some pictures with fans, and signs some autographs.

"Excuse me miss." Someone says tapping my side. I looked down and saw a little girl, maybe 8 years old, decked out in Ryan Blaney gear.

"Hi." I smiled crouching down to her level. "What can I do for you?" I asked.

"You're Ryan's girlfriend right?" She asks.

"Yes, I am darling," I replied.

"Can I have a picture with you?" She asks motioning her mom with the camera. I smile and nod. Her mom walks up, as the girl stands by my side. Her mom snaps a few photos and then puts her camera away. "Thank you!" She exclaims hugging me.

"You're welcome." I smile hugging her back. "What's your name?" I asked the little girl.

"Nicole." She replies.

"Hey, how about I take you and your mom to Ryan's merchandise trailer, and you guys can pick out whatever you guys want for free?" I asked.

"Mom, can we?" She asks. I swear she was about the cutest little girl I have ever seen.

"Yes, we can honey. I'll just have to tell your father." Her mom replies. "Sarah Phillips." Her mom extends her hand.

"McKayla Elliott." I smiled shaking her hand.

"Hey sweetheart," Ryan says walking up behind me. I looked over at Nicole and her eyes lit up. I introduced Ryan to Nicole and Sarah. Ryan takes a picture with Nicole, then I took the camera and had Sarah be apart of the picture, then Nicole insisted on taking a picture with Ryan and I.

"I was going to take them over to your merchandise trailer and pick out some free stuff," I comment.

"Sounds good. I gotta head over to the drivers meeting now. I'll see you later." He kisses my cheek. "Here give them these." He whispers handing me three VIP Hot Passes. I nod. "It was nice meeting you guys." Ryan waves. I take Ryan's golf cart and drove us out of the track towards Ryan's trailer outside the track. I pulled up behind and parked the golf cart.

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