Chapter 26 | gifts

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McKayla's POV:

"Merry Christmas!" Ryan bursts into the room jumping on the bed. I groaned and put my pillow over my head. "Time to get up!" He exclaims jumping on the bed more. I take my pillow and throw it at him. "Well, someone's grumpy." He laughs.

"Five more minutes." I groaned. All of a sudden I get picked up and carried downstairs. "Ryan, what are you doing?" I groaned burying my head in his chest.

"Throwing you out in the snow to wake you up," Ryan replies. All of a sudden I jump out of his arms.

"I'm awake!" I say with my arms out in front of me. Ryan laughs and pecks my lips. Ryan and I had a busy day ahead of us. We'd open the presents that we got from each other, then go to Chase's for breakfast and more presents, go over to Ryan's parent's house, and then Ryan and I had a Christmas party over at the shop that Glen and Leonard were throwing.

"You go first," Ryan says handing his present to me. I've been waiting to find out what was in this box forever by now. I slowly tore off the wrapping paper. I opened the box and pulled out some sort of key.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"Well, you know how we were looking at houses last part of November?" Ryan asks me. I nod. "Well, I sent in an offer on that one house you loved in Concord, and the offer got accepted," Ryan explained.

"Really?" I gasped. He laughs and nods. "Ryan!" I exclaimed hugging him.

"We can start moving in next week." He laughs hugging me back. I couldn't believe how fast everything was going right now. We're having our first child in 7 months, we got engaged just last week, we have a house, and we're getting married next December. Things couldn't be any more perfect.

"Alright, now open mine," I say handing him the small box. He opens it and pulls out a pair of car keys.

"Oh sweetheart, you didn't-" His voice says trailing off.

"Yes, I did." I smiled.


"Yes! Ryan, you spend so much money on me, so I owe you. Go look outside." I say. He gets up, walked to the front window, and looks down at his new 2017 Ford F-150. "And there are no returns, so it's yours to keep," I say walking up behind him.

"You're the best." He smiles wrapping his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You know I have one more surprise." He smirks pulling something out of his pocket. He ends up pulling out mistletoe and dangled it over our heads. "Now-"

"Just shut up and kiss me." I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"My pleasure." He smiles leaning in. Our lips touched, and we finally pulled away after a while. "Love you M."

"Love you too Ry."

||Chase's House||

"Merry Christmas!" Hannah exclaims opening up the door. "Oh, by the way, your parents are coming here in a few minutes," Hannah whispers. I sighed and Ryan and I walked in. I hope this Christmas wasn't going to turn into a family fight.

"Merry Christmas, and thanks for the heads up." I smiled taking off my shoes. Ryan and I followed Hannah to the living room where Chase was sitting.

"Hey guys," Chase says.

"Hey bro." I smiled sitting down on the couch across from Chase. Ryan sits next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "How are you and Hannah doing?" I asked.

"Pretty good, she has her first appointment for the baby next week," Chase says as Hannah walked back into the room.

"Breakfast is ready." She announces.

"Good, I'm starving," Ryan says.

"When are you not?" I laughed.

"Listen smarty pants," Ryan smirks I lightly pushed him, as we walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate and piled food into my plate like crazy. "Hungry much?" Ryan jokes.

"Hey, I'm pregnant you can't blame me." I laughed grabbing a fork. We all sat down and ate. The guys talked about next season, and Hannah and I talked about girl stuff. About halfway through breakfast, there was a knock on the door. "That's probably mom and dad," I say looking over at Chase. He nods and walks out of the kitchen to get the door.

"Hell is probably gonna break loose." Hannah mumbles.

"Most likely." I sighed. Chase walks in rolling his eyes as mom and dad walked in behind him.

"Hello McKayla," Mom says sitting down with dad.

"Hi." I greeted trying not to sound rude.

"Listen, your dad and I have been talking, and we came on a little too strong with the whole baby thing. It's already too late, your father and I have to accept the fact that what's done is done. And we're happy for you Chase and McKayla. We want the best for you two. And Ryan, Hannah, we're sorry as well." Mom says. I looked over at Chase, shocked.

"We just want a nice Christmas with our family now. Can we put this behind us?" Dad asks.

"Shocking." Hannah mumbles.

"Yeah, we can," Chase replies.

||Blaney's House||

"Merry Christmas!" Erin exclaims as we walked in. She runs over to me and pulls me in a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!" She exclaims. I laughed and hugged her back.

"Lunch is ready!" Lisa calls from the kitchen.

"Man, still hungry?" Ryan jokes. I punch him in the arm. "Ouch." He laughs. I laughed and grabbed a bottle of water. We all sat down at the table and ate an amazing meal Lisa cooked.

"Have you guys thought of any names for the baby?" Emma asks as we finished up eating.

"I was thinking for a girl, Chelsea and for a boy, Noah," I say looking over at Ryan.

"For me? For a girl, Peyton, and for a boy, Mason." Ryan replies. "But we'll cross that bridge when it comes." Ryan smiles taking my hand underneath the table.

"Oh, I like those names," Erin says. "When's your first appointment?" She asks.

"Next Friday," I replied. For the remainder of the time, we all sat down in the living room and told stories, and opened a few presents. A few hours passed, Ryan and I decided to head over to the shop for Glen and Leonard's Christmas Party. "Bye guys! I'll see you soon." I hugged Erin and Emma.

"Maybe you guys could help us move into our new house," Ryan says helping me put on my jacket.

"Wait, you guys are moving?" Dave asks.

"Yeah, Monday we're packing stuff up," I replied.

"We decided since we're having a baby, and my apartment is so small, why not buy a house?" Ryan says.

"Where are you moving to?" Lisa asks.

"Concord," Ryan says.

"Yay! You'll live closer to me!"  Emma exclaims.

"Well, text one of us the time, and we'll drive over and help you guys," Dave says.

"We will." I smiled.

"Alright, we better get going. See you guys on Monday then." Ryan says hugging his family. Ryan slips his hand into mine and we walked out. "Love you M."

"Love you too Ry." I smiled.

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