Chapter 18 | dark place

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McKayla's POV:

"I can't believe I messed it up again," Ryan says slamming the door shut behind him. The last couple of weeks haven't been too hot for the 21 team. Today they raced at Darlington, and Ryan got caught up in a crash, it was totally out of his control. I stayed in the motor home for most of the race, because I had to schedule media day for Ryan this week.

"Ryan, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't avoidable." I replied as I typed up an email.

"Just shut up, will you? You weren't in the car! It seemed pretty avoidable to me!" Ryan yells. I was kinda shocked that spoke like that to me. I shut my computer, grabbed my laptop, and phone and just left figuring he just needed some time to cool off. "Wait! McKayla I didn't mean it!" I hear him say before I door shut behind me. I walked over to Chase's place and knocked on the door.

"Hey Mac, what you doing here?" Hannah answers the door.

"I needed to get away from Ryan." I sighed.

"What?" Hannah asks. "Here come on in," Hannah says moving aside. I walked in and sat down at the island, and opened up the laptop. "So what happened exactly?" Hannah asks tossing me water from the fridge.

"Ryan came in pissed, because of his wreck right? I knew it wasn't his fault it wasn't avoidable, so I tried to tell him it wasn't any of his fault." I paused. "Then he started yelling at me to shut up." I finish.

"Okay, he had no right to yell at you like that," Hannah says taking my side. "Hey babe," Hannah says as Chase walked in. To be honest I still haven't gotten used to my best friend dating my brother. But they are such a cute couple, and she's changed Chase in a very good way. I still wish Kaylie would come to the track, but ever since the whole Chase thing happened she doesn't come anymore.

"Hey darling." He smiles kissing her on the cheek. I've honestly never felt so disgusted with them but yet so happy for them in my entire life. "Hey Mac, whatcha doing here?" He smiles.

"Why? Am I interrupting your plans with Hannah?" I joked with a smirk plastered on my face.

"No." He answers bluntly.

"She and Ryan are having problems," Hannah answers for him. I explained everything that happened to Chase.  "It's open!" Hannah calls out as there was a knock on the door.

"Give him some time to cool off. He'll come around." Chase says.

"Dude! Ryan has lost it!" Bubba exclaims.

"What do you mean by that?" Chase asks.

"He called me over because he wanted to talk about something. When I get to his place, he's drowning himself in beer!" Bubba exclaims. His addiction was the only thing that came to mind. I immediately jumped out of my seat and ran as fast as I could back to our motor home. I went to open the door, but it was locked.

"Ryan! Let me in!" I called out. No answer. "Ryan, please," I begged.

"You're lucky I have an extra key," Chase says running up from behind with Bubba. Chase puts the key into the slot and unlocked the door for me. I rushed in, and see already two bottles scattered on the floor. Ryan sat on the couch on his third already.

"Ryan," I say grabbing the bottle from him. Where did he even get these anyways? "What in the hell are you doing?" I asked trying not to have a break down in tears. I wasn't angry at him. I was just disappointed... I just expected too much from him.

"I thought you were leaving me." He says in almost a whisper. I looked over at Bubba and Chase and nodded. They gave me a thumbs up and left, closing the door behind them. I tossed the bottles into the trash can and then sat down next to Ryan.

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