Chapter 21 | rookie

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McKayla's POV:

"Yeah, I can't believe that championship weekend is finally here." I smiled as I got breakfast finished up.

"I know right? The season has gone so fast! Can't believe Ryan has a chance of winning it." Emma exclaims grabbing cups and plates from the cabinet. "Speaking of which where is Ryan?" Emma asks looking around.

"He's still sleeping. Every future champion needs their sleep." Lisa replies stacking the pancakes onto a plate. I grabbed a small plate and Erin stacked the bacon on it. I turned off the stove and put the pan of scrambled eggs underneath a potholder.

"Morning sweetheart." Ryan's raspy voice says as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Morning champ." I smiled up at him. Ryan smiles and pecks my lips, then grabs a plate. I grabbed a plate, and only grabbed a pancake, and a piece of bacon. Ryan and I still had to go over to Chase's place and have breakfast with my family over there.

"You ready to head over to Chase's?" Ryan asks finishing up his plate after 10 minutes. I nod and finished up. I placed my plate in the sink and so does Ryan. "We'll be back guys." Ryan waves as we walked out the door. Ryan intertwined our hands together as we began to walk away. "When are we planning on telling my parents about the baby?" Ryan asks.

"Whenever you feel like it's right. Like you said they won't be mad or as mad as my parents. Maybe after the race? If you wanted to." I replied. "Chase and I are still trying to figure out something with our parents." I sighed as we walked up to the door. I opened the door and Ryan and I walked in.

"There's the happy couple," Chase says.

"Smells good mom." I smiled grabbing a plate. I got a piece of French toast, a waffle, and some eggs on the side. "How are you doing Ryan?" Mom asks as we sat down at the table.

"A little on edge about today, but other than that I'm doing good." Ryan laughs.

"I think everyone is on edge today," Dad replied. "Especially when it's championship weekend. You guys will do just fine."

||1 hour before race||

"When your parents coming Ryan?" I asked. I found a cute way to tell Ryan's parents and sisters about the baby, courtesy of Samantha Busch.

"In about 10 minutes." He replies walking into the bathroom.

I grabbed a notecard and pen and really thought about what to put on his motivation card this week. What do I put on his last one for the season? What do I even say? That's when it clicked.

'For I know the plans I have for you." Declares the LORD," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
A true champion will fight through anything, and you have defiantly proven that. No matter what happens today just remember I love you and I'll always believe in you. Love you, rookie ;)'

"Oh, is that my notecard?" Ryan asks peeking over my shoulder.

"Yes, but you'll just have to wait and read it," I replied hiding the card. "Now go get your fire suit on, you gotta be out there in like 45 for driver intros," I state.

"Yes mom." Ryan teases. A few moments later Ryan comes out zipping up his fire suit. "Like what you see?" Ryan smirks as I stared at him. Can I just say he looks so good in a fire suit?

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