Chapter 23 | our story

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McKayla's POV:

Today was the NASCAR Sprint Cup Banquet. Hannah and I were getting ready together in Ryan and I's room, while Ryan was at Chase and Hannah's hotel room.

"McKayla! Hurry up the guys are gonna be here like 30 minutes." Hannah calls out. I fixed my dress and then walked out of the bathroom to grab my heels. "Damn, Ryan is gonna have a heart attack once he sees you," Hannah says amazed. "I haven't seen you this dressed up for years."

"Are you kidding me? Chase is going to pass out once he sees you." I pointed out. Hannah was is a blue lace dress, with black heels. "Oh god, they're here like 25 minutes early. Let's play with them." I smirked walking up to the door. "Anxious much boys?" I call out.

"Is it a bad thing we wanna see our girls?" Ryan replies.

"But your 25 minutes early! What if we're not ready?" Hannah says.

"Then why you wasting your time talking through a door?" Chase replies. He did have a point there. "Now can you open up the door? Please?" Chase asks. I unlocked the door, and when the door opened their reactions were priceless.

"Dear lord," Ryan says speechless. "Sweetheart, you gotta stop doing this to me," Ryan says walking in, he walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Wow, you look absolutely beautiful," Ryan says twirling me around.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mr. Blaney." I smiled straightening out his tie.

"We should start heading down," Chase says looking at the time.

"Yeah, so I can walk the red carpet with my beautiful girl, and show her off to everybody," Ryan smirks taking my hand. We all walked out and made our way downstairs. "What's the place called again?" Ryan asks as we got into the rental car.

"The LINQ Promenade, then there is like a hotel or something right across it," Chase replies. Ryan pulls out of the parking lot and pulled out on the street. "Just follow Dale in front of you." Chase points out. Ryan nods and follows behind Dale and Amy for the rest of the way. Ryan drops off Chase and Hannah, and then we go find a parking spot.

"Perfect," Ryan says pulling into an empty spot. Ryan takes the keys out of the ignition and runs over to my side. "Sweetheart." Ryan extends his hand. I gladly take it, as he helped me get out of the car. He locked the car, as we started walking into the building. Ryan and I walked in on the red carpet and the photographers snapped a lot of pictures.

"Ryan! McKayla!" They would all call out. We stopped in our tracks and posed for a couple of pictures.

"Alright, we better get going. The banquet starts in 10 minutes." Ryan says looking at his watch. Our hands intertwined as we walked into the banquet room. Ryan and I walked on the stage and took a seat at the table. The lights dimmed as they showed a recap of the season.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! And welcome to the 2016 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Banquet live from Las Vegas! And I'm your host Jay Mohr." Jay says walking out. "Man, what a season it has been. What a battle for the championship. Who knew we would see a rookie up on this stage!" Jay adds pointing at Ryan. Ryan smiles and grabs my hand underneath the table. Jay starts his monologue. He takes a few shots at the drivers, making everyone in the room laugh. "But what represents NASCAR more is moments like these," Jay said pointing towards the screen. It was a picture of Lisa, Dave, Emma, Erin, and Ryan at the championship photoshoot after Homestead.

"Aww." The crowd said.

"But we can't forget about this," Jay says as a picture of Ryan and I appeared. "NASCAR, like I've said, is about family. And I don't know about you but Ryan and McKayla are gonna make a great family someday." Jay says. Ryan looks over at me and smiles, knowing we're gonna have a family in 8 months. "I have the uttermost respect for Ryan. 5 poles, 25 top-ten finishes, 14 top fives, 5 wins, and 1 championship. You, my friend, prove that rookies can go track to track and be a real competitor to those veterans and show them who's boss. Well done my friend." Jay claps.

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