Chapter 22 | my everything

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McKayla's POV:

It's been a couple of days since Homestead, Ryan and I got back to Charlotte. Ryan had a bunch of media obligations and appearances I had to schedule. So, he's usually gone for a good portion of the morning but usually is back in the afternoon.

"Coming!" I called out as there was a knock on the door. "Hey mom, dad. Come on in." I say opening up the door. "What's up?" I asked as I noticed their serious look on both of their faces. Chase better not of spilled anything about my pregnancy.

"Your brother." Mom huffs. "Do you know what your brother did?" She asks starting to freak out. "Your brother, twenty years old, got Hannah pregnant! I don't have a problem with Hannah, but Chase knows your father and I's rule." She rants.

"Did you know anything about this?" Dad asks.

"You know, sorta," I say nervously.

"Hey Mac, why is the door unlo-" Ryan stops in dead sentence as he walked in. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott." Ryan greets, closing the door behind him. He walks up and wraps his arm around my waist. "What's going on?" He asks.

"Mom and dad found out about Hannah being pregnant," I replied, hinting it was time to tell them. "We might as well tell them now," I whispered. "Umm mom, dad we might as well tell you guys now than later." I paused. "But I'm pregnant too." I forced myself to say.

"You're joking right?" Dad asks.

"No." Ryan backs me up.

"How far along?" Mom asks.

"A little over a month like Hannah," I replied tensing up.

"You kept this from us for a month? I don't know what's been up with you kids lately, but I'm tired of this family having problem after problem. I'm tired of you guys keeping secrets, and all the lies! You and Chase both know your father and I's rules! You are both twenty-two years old and twenty years old! That's way too young! You guys aren't even married!" Mom freaks out.

"So, your saying Ryan and I aren't responsible enough to take care of a child?" I say raising my voice a bit.

"I can't do this anymore. Come on Bill we're leaving." Mom says standing up, and they both showed themselves out. My heart broke into a million pieces. Ryan pulls me into a tight hug, as I cried into his chest.

"Come in sweetheart let's go take a nap," Ryan whispers taking my hand. We walked into the bedroom and laid down in the bed. Ryan pulled to closer and wrapped his protective arm around me. I laid my head on his chest, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

||1 hour later||

"Yeah, Bill and Cindy came over afterward. It didn't go so well. Cindy seemed madder than Bill, and that's surprising." Ryan says. I open up my eyes and see he wasn't next to me anymore. I looked over my shoulder, there he stood on the phone across the room. "Yeah, she's fine. She's hurt, but she's okay. I just hope Cindy and Bill come along soon." Ryan says looking over his shoulder. "Hey listen, I gotta go Chase. I'll talk to you later. Bye." He hangs up. "Hey sweetheart, I'm sorry if I woke you up." He says sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No, you're fine. What did Chase want?" I yawned.

"He just called to check up on you. I texted him about what happened with your parents. They're back in Georgia now, so you don't have to worry about them for a while." Ryan says tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "You feeling okay?" Ryan asks.

"I'm okay. What time is it?" I asked.

"5:45," Ryan replies checking his phone. "Bubba invited us over to his place if you wanted to go," Ryan suggests.

"Yeah sure," I replied.

||Bubba's House||

"Hey guys!" Bubba waves as Ryan and I walked up the driveway. "Ryan come play basketball," Bubba says stealing the ball away from Chase. Ryan looks over at me for approval.

"Go, you need some guy time," I replied walking over to Hannah sitting on a lawn chair. "Hey girl." I sighed sitting down next to her.

"Hey, I heard about your parents. You okay?" Hannah asks putting down her phone.

"I'm a little hurt, but I'm gonna be okay. Still kinda surprised my mom was madder than my dad was." I replied. "How did they take your news?" I asked.

"Your mom exploded at Chase, and your dad was just kinda silent the whole time. It was the same for me too. Your mom was madder than your dad. I just feel bad for Chase, that he got most of the yelling." Hannah sighs.

"Yeah, I can understand that," I say.

"Hannah! McKayla! Come play!" Bubba calls out.

"You wanna play against two pregnant women?" Hannah raises an eyebrow. "Okay, whatever you say." Hannah shrugs getting up. I looked up at her like she was crazy. We haven't played basketball since high school. "Oh come on McKayla, we can beat them," Hannah says confidently. I shrugged and got up. Bubba passes it to Hannah. Hannah dribbles around and then passes to me.

"Whatcha gonna do now?" Ryan smirks. I bounced the ball between Ryan's legs, grabbed it and went for a layup.

"That," I smirked.

"Ryan, your girl is kicking your ass right now and she's pregnant." Bubba laughs. After a few more plays, Hannah and I were winning surprisingly. "I quit! I'm done!" Bubba calls out in defeat as Hannah shoots a three-pointer.

"We win as usual," Hannah smirks. "But damn we still got it after four years!" Hannah exclaims.

"I'm still surprised." I laughed.

"It's all luck." Chase catches his breath.

"I don't think it was this time Chase. You all wanna go inside and watch a movie?" Bubba suggests. We all agreed and walked inside. "What do you all wanna watch?" Bubba asks pulling out a bin of movies.

"Talledega Nights!" We all chimed in

"Talledega Nights it is then," Bubba says popping in the movie.

Ryan's POV:

"Man, they're already asleep?" Chase whispers. About an hour into the movie, McKayla falls asleep, then Hannah passed out about 20 minutes ago. "I think, I have to get this one home," Chase adds looking down at Hannah.

"Same with this one," I replied looking down at McKayla peacefully asleep. Bubba stops the movie, as I carefully picked up McKayla. "Thanks for having us over man." I thanked Bubba.

"No problem bud." He replies opening up the front door. I walked outside, and quietly put McKayla in my truck and strapped her in. I waved one more time to Bubba and climbed into my truck.

As we hit the road, I would occasionally look over at McKayla. Man, was she ever beautiful? Whenever I looked at her, I saw a future with her. I cannot tell you how excited I was to finally start a family with her. December 21st could not come fast enough. I already had the whole proposal planned out. She's my one and only. She keeps my head up. I wouldn't dare even hurt her, she's too precious to me. She's my everything.

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