My Best Friends

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I turned the shower on and set the towel on the counter. I played come get her by Rae sremmurd on my phone. I got in and put my forehead on the wall letting the water run down my hair and back. After 5 mins I started washing my hair with a strawberry smelling shampoo then I washed myself off with a strawberry soap.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off and put the towel around me. I went into my closet grabbed a black t-shirt, a white shirt that says no selfie zone, ripped blue jeans, and my converses. I put my bra and underwear on then my clothes. I went back to the bathroom and straightened my hair I then put my black hat on and did my makeup.

I did a smokey eye to make my blue eyes shine. I dye my hair every 2 weeks just to keep my memories flooding to my head once I looked in the mirror. My parents got what they deserved. I don't even feel remorse for it. I put some lip gloss then went downstairs.

"Hey Carla," I heard Nia. "Hey, you want me to make some oatmeal for you?" I asked her. She nodded and I went into the kitchen and grabbed a pot and filled it up with water. When I got done I helped her to the table. She has better hearing and smelling which is a good thing. We ate and I put our stuff in the dish washer. I made a sandwich for her and put other things for her in lunch box.

I gave it to her and we walked out the door. I drove her to her job and I drove to the highschool. I only have 2 friends. One human and the other werewolf. We already told her about us being wolves and she didn't freak out, she was happy and saying how cool we were. I parked the car and walked towards the entrance when I got stopped by a pack's sluts.

"Oooo lookie here girls, it's the rogue," one said I think her name is Brittany. She has platinum blond hair and she looks like a clown. She wearing a short skirt and a tank top that shows her boobs. "Hey Brittany, yeah I don't have time for this," I said attempting to walk pass. Key word attempting. I was stopped by the rest of her group.

I groaned. "Brittany as much as I will love to beat your face in I gotta go so I won't be late," I said crossing my arms.
"You sure about that," she said getting in my face.
"Alright in the forest tomorrow. At 12. Where the lake is, see ya there," she said and they walked away. "Stupid girl," I heard from behind me.

"Hey Michael, how's it going." He's the other werewolf.
"So Carla what was that about?" he asked walking with me.
"Brittany wants to fight me." I shrugged. "She thinks she isn't going to lose."
"I gotta see that when and where."
"Saturday or tomorrow at the lake."
"Hey Carla, Michael wait up," we heard a voice.

I turned around and saw Lara. She has short red hair and a little bit of freckles. She has dark brown eyes too. Michael has black hair and ice blue eyes. They're both my best friends in the entire world and I will kill to keep them safe. I told them that and they agreed. We walked to the gym together. Me and Lara went to go get changed into our gym clothes.

We walked back out to see Michael stretching. We walked over to him and stretched with him. "Hey y'all ready for the 10 laps," he asked.
"Y'all are I'm not," Lara said.
"Yeah I guess you're right," I said.
"Alright go outside to the track. Run 10 laps around it. Those on the track team I expect y'all to run with all your might, Michael, Carla, Miranda, Adam, Johnny, etc."

We walked to the track while I put my hair in a gigantic bun. We got to the starting line and waited till they said go.
Me and Michael were racing.
"So Carla what are you gonna do for your birthday tomorrow after you beat Brittany?"
"Celebrate me turning 18," I said." What lap are we on?"
"Our 9th," he replied.
"Bye," I said running pass him. We were on our final lap so we always raced to the finish line.

We both run about the same speed so guess what, it's a tie.

"Tie again," I said.
"We waited for Lara before heading in.

My two best friends in the world, nothing can stop us now.

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