Midnight Run

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It's been a few weeks since my little reunion. Everything put where it needs to be and food in the refrigerator. I got up and went to my personal bathroom. I turned on the shower and walked to my closet for some clothes. I decided on a light blue tank top that had a wave on it and black shorts. I put it on my bed. I took my shower and got dressed. I walked out my room to the kitchen to find a black haired girl resting in the dining room.

"Hey Carla," She said.
"Wait now I remember. Raven Crow, the meanest girl in the blood moon pack. Your rival is Dezzi. Also remember you in one of my dreams. You always made sure nothing happened to me, so how's it going? You were telling me something but never finished. Started with an s."

She looked at me emotionlessly. "I'm you si-"
"Carla come on, let's go out and eat breakfast," Jake said. I glared at him. I look to where Raven once stood. "Where'd she go?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose out of frustration. "Nevermind, let's just go."

We walked out my house and went to Denny's. We ate and decided to go to the mall. Personally I hate malls. My feet starts aching.

Oh well.

"Do you always do that?" Jake asked stopping and staring at me this head slightly tilted.
"Do what?" I asked curiously with a blank face.
"When you think, your mouth moves and you mumble," he said chuckling.

"Oh I inherited it from someone, I think," I said thinking.
"It's kinda cute," he replied smiling. I smiled back. I looked around the mall and saw a pizza place. I get hungry quickly. I pointed like a child who saw a candy store. "Let's get some," I said dragging him with me. "You just ate how are you hungry now?" I shrugged. I ate and we went to buy games and consoles I didn't have, went clothes shopping for some random reason, and used massage chairs for fun. We left the mall and saw it was dark.

"Let's go to a restraunt." I said. "What restaurant?" he asked.
"I don't know, you think of one."
"We could make something at the house."
"Yeah let's make steak."

We made it home and he got food started while I changed into something comfortable. I made chicken alfredo and then stood outside.

The moon shown from behind the clouds. The wind blew my hair and I closed my eyes enjoying the breeze.

"It's beautiful tonight." I said.
"Indeed it is," Jake replied.
"I'm gonna go for a run, work up an appetite."
"Be safe," he said walking back inside. I shifted and took off running thru the woods dodging trees.

After a while I started to get the feeling of being followed, but I can't smell their scent. I shook the feeling away and ran to a river I found. I shifted back a laid on my back.

"You shouldn't follow a girl you know," I said sitting up. I sense three wolves, 2 girls the same height as me, maybe little taller and 1 boy at least 4 inches taller than me and I'm 5'8".

"You must be Nia's... daughter," the tall one said. He was a blue haired boy. "I'm feeling some hostility here," I crossed my arms.
"What do you want?" I asked glaring.
"What you owe us," he said.
"First off I don't know you, second you're creepy, and third I don't know what you're talking about."
"You see," he said walking towards me," Nia has something of ours that passed down to..." he stopped and stared at me, then bent down to my height and he put my hair behind my ear and said," you."

I grabbed his arm and put my nails into his skin making him bleed.
"One don't touch me and two I still don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh Carla, lying won't help you, she also killed some of my pack so I'll have no problem killing you."
"But if you kill me then you'll never get what you need," I replied crossing my arms again.

"I'm happy to take that chance sweet heart," He said shifting to a very nice color wolf. Blue and white. I shifted and we circled each other. We both growled and he lunged towards me but I swiped my paw across his snout and attacked him. I got him before I felt a sharp pain on my tail. I bit deep into the hand of who pulled my tail. I shifted back human and kicked the girl in the neck.

Someone grabbed me by the waist and we both landed in the water. I managed to get out the hold and punched the guy in the face.

I swam to the surface and rolled on to the ground. "Cheap trick," I said blocking a kick. I then realized there's more around me. I sensed more than the three I fought. I got up and and prepared myself to fight. I blocked a majority of the hits, some reached me. "Carla, I can stop this if you give me what I need?"

"You really want it? Come here," I said he walked up to me. I punched him square in the nose hearing it break. Everyone attacked me again. I dodged and dodged and dodged. I punched some and kicked them, but I soon grew tired. They realized this and they got the upper hand. The blue haired boy, pulled me by my shirt all the way to his level.

"Carla, last chance. Give me what's mine and I'll leave you alone," he said. I spit in his face and said, "Still don't care." He was about to punch me when someone kicked him into the river and I landed in their arms. I then smelt a breathtaking smell which could only mean mate. Well second chance mate. I tried to see their face, but it was to dark. "Carla I thought you could handle yourself," a familiar voice said.
"Well you here now so it doesn't matter Jake," I replied.
"You okay?"
"Fine, you took a bit of time though."
"I was making sure our steaks don't burn."

He put me back on my feet and we got ready to fight. We fought most and then they retreated. "Don't think we ain't coming back Carla, we'll be back," the blue haired boy said.
"Wait," I said.
"What's your name?"
"So I don't call you boy all the time?"
"Umm what did Nia take from you?"
"Jake'll tell you," was the last thing he said before shifting and running away.
"I'll tell you when we go back."
"But it'll take to long to get back and I don't feel like shifting," I complained.
"I'm your angel," Jake said.
"Yay let's go Jake," I said.

He let his wings out and I saw they were two different colors. Silver with white on the end. "Pretty," I said in awe.

He picked me up and we flew back to the house. We sat down and started eating.

"So, what did Nia steal from Luca's pack?" I asked eating more steak. "Well Luca's father is head of a company, but he was in a bit in trouble with a group. They let him keep something they stole for a buyer. It was an ancient amulet. Well Nia was there buyer but she stole it from Luca's father, killed some of the pack including his father and a injured a majority of the pack. That was before she met you."
"Cool, why don't we just give them the amulet?"
"Cause they stole it from Nia in the first place."
"I don't know."
"Why don't we just give 'em the amulet?"
"The amulet has been passed down Nia's family for generations."
"Tomorrow, let's go talk to them."
"Alright, I'm by your side regardless."
"I know."
"So how was the steak Carla."
"Delicious. Why did you cover your scent?"
"You found your mate, I didn't want to disturb your bond with him."
"Oh please he's a player- no a man slut."
"Haha well I guess it's fate."

We got done eating and he washed dishes, I took another shower and we went to sleep.

Sorry it took me so long. I've been writing another book in my drafts and couldn't think of what I want to write about. Comment, share, and vote. Remember

-The darkest secrets are often the most oblivious😉

Word count- 1441

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